
We’re reaching out to ask you to make a contribution to support Jon. Here’s why:

It looks like we’re not on pace to reach our mid-month fundraising goal by tomorrow. And so far this month, our average contribution is just $12. That’s good! It shows our work is driven by regular folks pitching in to fight for what’s right.

But our overall fundraising is a little slower than normal, which means we’re counting on this grassroots team to come through before tomorrow’s deadline.

Will you pitch in to get us back on pace to reach this important fundraising goal before tomorrow?


From holding the Trump Administration’s feet to the fire over their treatment of our public lands to fighting to get dark money out of our elections for good, Jon has been busy in the Senate.

He’s leading the tough fights that matter to all of us, and making sure our government is working for people -- not the big corporations who write campaign checks.

But that means he hasn’t had a ton of time to focus on fundraising. So if you’re able to make a contribution today, it would be a great help.

Pitch in here to support Jon:


Thanks for all you do,

— Team Tester