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Will you be at Freedom Fest in South Dakota? Will you shake my hand? 

From the Desk of Jim Babka... 

I'll be at Freedom Fest July 21-24. My wife Susie will be with me. 

After a year of lockdowns, with no events, we're looking forward to networking with people who want to get things done - real Agenda Setters. Is that you?  

At Freedom Fest, I’ll want to discuss the powerful strategies of The 300 and Option Activism, designed to get all six of our legislative proposals passed. I would also love to tell you how you can make the politicians fear to tell you no.

I'll be there in a separate capacity too since I am the Editor-at-Large for the Advocates for Self-Government. 

If you're there, I want to shake your hand. 

Press Reply to this email and tell me you're going to be at Freedom Fest too, and I'll arrange to connect with you. 

Jim Babka, President, Inc. 
& Zero Aggression Project

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