
After decades of consistent support and recertification, the Supreme Court – commanded by a conservative majority and led by Chief Justice Roberts – has now gutted the Voting Rights Act not once but twice, rendering what was once hailed as historically effective legislation all but toothless.

Swift action to restore voting rights is beyond critical. That’s why today, as chair of the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on The Constitution, I’ll be holding an urgent hearing on restoring the Voting Rights Act. I’m hopeful our subcommittee can work together with the urgency and determination this unprecedented moment calls for. But I need your help creating an undeniable outpouring of support for quick action to strengthen voting rights.

So I’m asking: Can I count on you to join me today, before this consequential hearing, to demand the Senate protect Americans’ right to vote? I need at least 1,000 members of this grassroots team to make their voices heard.

It’s no exaggeration to say that, in this very moment, the fate of American democracy is at a crossroads: Voter suppression is now law in states like Florida, Georgia, and Arizona, where millions of largely Democratic voters – and Black voters and other voters of color – will be shut out from the ballot box. Texas Democrats have literally had to walk out of the state capitol – twice – in order to break quorum and prevent further erosion to voting rights in Texas.

Make no mistake: This is the culmination of a decades-long, Republican-led assault on voting rights, and the high court’s most recent ruling has more or less given extremist GOP state legislators carte blanche to unleash even more laws that suppress the vote. If they succeed in keeping Americans from their rightful place at the ballot box, Republicans will grease their paths to reelection and tighten their grip on power.

Extremist Republican legislators have already introduced more than 400 voter suppression laws, and in the wake of the latest Supreme Court rulings, they will not slow down. It’s up to Congress to take bold action – including eliminating the filibuster – to protect voting rights.

I promise to be unrelenting in enforcing and protecting the Constitution, including every single person’s constitutional right to vote. But in fights like these – bigger than each of us alone – I really count on your voice and your action: Please, before today’s crucial hearing: Take a moment to call on the Senate to protect and strengthen the right to vote.

Thank you for speaking out in urgent moments like these.


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