From Jonathan Greenblatt - ADL CEO <[email protected]>
Subject Video and highlights from ADL's Supreme Court Review
Date July 14, 2021 4:15 PM
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Dear John,

The U.S. Supreme Court recently ended an eventful year with a series of significant decisions affecting civil rights and civil liberties.
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ADL&rsquo;s 22nd annual Supreme Court Review, held with our longtime partners at the National Constitution Center, provided a lively and in-depth look at those decisions, and we&rsquo;d like to share a quick overview with you.

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We are grateful to the eminent legal scholars who took part &mdash; Erwin Chemerinsky, Frederick Lawrence, Melissa Murray, Paul Clement and our moderator Dahlia Lithwick of Slate &mdash; for their perceptive examination of the Supreme Court&rsquo;s recent major decisions. To view and share the video of the full event, visit our
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Supreme Court Review landing page.

The scholars engaged in a deep analysis of the decisions and dissents of the term that showed how this is a Court in transition as the new six-member conservative majority extends its influence. They dove into what our panel described as a dramatic shift towards claims of religious freedom as a priority above other concerns, as well as key decisions on free speech, anti-discrimination laws and voting rights.

Looking ahead, our expert panel expects that this conservative Court may override precedent in the next term as they tackle a number of contentious issues.

After you watch the Supreme Court Review, here are some additional ways you can join ADL and fight hate for good:

- Visit our
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Take Action page to find ways to advocate on some of the civil rights issues discussed during the Supreme Court Review and our
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Amicus Brief database to see how ADL has weighed in ahead of court rulings on vital cases.
- Support our mission to secure justice and fair treatment to all and enable us to continue delivering events such as the Supreme Court Review by
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Making a Donation.
- Save the Date for
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Never Is Now on Nov. 7-9, the world&rsquo;s largest annual summit on antisemitism and hate. You will learn more about the law and policy side of the fight against antisemitism and have opportunities for additional CLE credits. Registration and more details to be announced soon.Yours truly,

Jonathan Greenblatt
CEO and National Director

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