This begins an all-out grassroots mobilization campaign against a looming amnesty
The amnesty danger this month is the highest it has been in years.
You received your first Alert to take action yesterday.
As I will explain, the danger is not that Congress will pass an amnesty over the next month. That vote would happen after Labor Day. But it is this month when Congress could set in motion a budgetary process that may make it nearly impossible to defeat an amnesty in September.
The die will be cast this month.
That's why all of you have to email and phone your Members of Congress this month.
And your response to stop this disastrous amnesty process from starting really needs to begin now -- this week.
I'm sending this Alert now to help you understand why you are going to receive one Action opportunity after another this month from Chris, Jim, and me.
Every single Member of the U.S. House and Senate must feel the outrage from citizens over the idea of including an amnesty in a budget "reconciliation."
Ordinarily, a momentous change in the country as represented by an amnesty would require a bi-partisan super-majority of 60 votes in the Senate.
We have been mobilizing our grassroots army for years to keep the number below 60 of Senators wanting to reward -- and entice -- illegal border crossers and visa overstayers with an amnesty. (We must remind Congress that amnesties provide a lifetime work permit, lifetime residency, path to U.S. citizenship, and path to endless chain migration of relatives).
Sometimes, it looks pretty scary on whether we can keep the YES-amnesty votes below 60. But the grassroots opposition to amnesty has been so strong that even most of the mainstream media have been saying there really is no chance this year of reaching 60 to pass the amnesty (that most mainstream media support) through regular process.
That is what has put the open-borders lobbies into such a panic. They figure that it will be even more difficult to reward illegal immigration in 2022 during an election year. They see their window as now. And the process to get their amnesty through that window has to start this month by creating a budget reconciliation process that will include an amnesty.
The open-borders forces are exerting every bit of influence they can to do that. And that would require support from only 50 of the 100 Senators.
There are a number of students of the Senate's budgetary reconciliation process who say the open-borders majority leaders in Congress would be violating all kinds of traditional procedures and rules of the Senate if they put an amnesty into this process. Those commentators are "hopeful" that traditional procedures and rules can hold the line.
But there is no way we dare gamble on that.
Our allies in Congress feel that in these untraditional times, we cannot count on any traditional procedure being honored. Those allies are pleading with us to mount a grassroots mobilization not seen since we buried the Gang of Eight amnesty in 2013 and 2014.
We will be encouraging constant grassroots contact with Democratic Members, many of whom are obsessed with getting an amnesty bill to President Biden's desk.
Left-wing Democrats in the House are threatening Speaker Pelosi that, if the bill does NOT include an amnesty to their liking, they will vote against the Democratic reconciliation bill (even though it likely will include all of the Democratic infrastructure wish list).
There appears to be no way that Speaker Nancy Pelosi can get the reconciliation/infrastructure bill through the House without those left-wing Democrats. So you can see how much pressure there is to violate normal procedure to include the amnesty.
Many of the Republican Members are just as much in need of hearing from you. Politico is reporting that major Republican donors say they have been talking with 41 Republican Senators and threatening to change their support to Democratic challengers next time around if the Republicans don't back immigration expansion schemes. Business lobbies are pouring millions of dollars into lobbying for amnesties.
What all Members of Congress have to understand is the profound intensity of voters who oppose these amnesty proposals, especially when they don't include anything to stop or even slow down illegal immigration in the future.
We know from a quarter-century of experience in these fights that politicians don't take seriously constituent opposition based on polling or anything else, unless they are hearing that opposition directly from the voters.
We will soon be asking you to start making phone calls. Today, send the emails we've prepared for you on your Action Board.
At this point, we don't know the details of the amnesty that would be put into the reconciliation bill. The most commonly stated desires suggest that the amnesty would cover 3-6 million illegal aliens.
And they want to do this during a record-high border surge as our federal government has lost control of our southern land border.
"Keep the amnesty out of the budget reconciliation!"
roy beck, numbersusa FOUNDER & president |