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Wednesday, July 14th, 2021

Joel Salatin: The Ron Paul of Family Farmers

Ginny Garner

Vaccines, Reasons for Concern

Alex Berenson

Fake Terror Plots, Paid Informants: The Tactics of FBI ‘Entrapment’

A 2011 article that explains the present. Paul Harris

Teaching Children About Liberty – “Solutions Watch”

James Corbett

So Much Evidence That January 6, 2021, Was a Calculated Set-Up

Steve McCann

The $50 Trillion Plundered from Workers by America’s Aristocracy Is Trickling Back

Charles Hugh Smith

The War on Freedom: How Tyranny Overran the United States

Emanuel Pastreich

The End of Dodge?

Eric Peters

Republicans Protect America’s Reputation by Covering Up the Stolen 2020 Election

Paul Craig Roberts

Drinking Coffee in the Early Morning Rain and Thinking of Donald Rumsfeld

Edward Curtin

Protestants, Nominalism, and Natural Law

Bionic Mosquito

Moderna Rep Admits Everyone Is Part of Huge Experiment

Joseph Mercola

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