From PEAK Grantmaking <[email protected]>
Subject PEAK Monthly | July 2021
Date July 14, 2021 3:00 PM
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4 CEOs, on leading philanthropy forward. PEAK2021 keynotes now on demand. Journey back 25 years with us. 

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** Four CEOs on How to Lead Philanthropy Forward
In a dynamic finish to PEAK2021 Online, Carmen Rojas, Crystal Haling, and Sherece West-Scantlebury joined PEAK’s Satonya Fair for The Changing Face of Philanthropy, a panel discussion where they explored what it means to be a leader during this pivotal time and what they are each doing to drive change within their organizations and across the field.
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** #PEAKis25

** Journey Through Our First 25 Years

Visit our 25th Anniversary microsite where we’re sharing some of the highlights of all we’ve accomplished as a community during PEAK’s first quarter-century. We bet you’ll be inspired and learn something new.
* Do you know how it all started in a New York café ([link removed]) ?
* Find out what our team loves about PEAK ([link removed]) .
* Learn about the origins of Project Streamline ([link removed]) —and how its legacy lives on in our five Principles for Peak Grantmaking.
* Hear from Satonya Fair, Margaret Egan, and Jonathan Goldberg about the story of grants management ([link removed]) .
* Step back into our history ([link removed]) via a content-rich timeline with key highlights of our first 25 years of progress.

Find out how you can help us tell the story we share ([link removed]) .
EXPLORE ([link removed])


** Find Your People: PEAK’s new peer groups are underway!

At PEAK2021 Online, PEAK launched nine new peer groups—all co-created with our members, led by our members, and designed for our members—each offering a new way to connect, share, and learn. Six Affinity Groups, through shared personal and professional identities, are open to all members. Three Communities of Practice, around a shared commitment to driving and implementing field-wide change, are open to our contributing Organization and Consultant Members.

Thank you to the 23 group volunteer leaders who are planning virtual gatherings for the rest of 2021 to foster these communities, help philanthropy colleagues connect, share, and learn, and drive change through transformative relationships.

Not in a peer group yet?Join the nearly 400 members ([link removed]) who are now a part of these communities and check our schedule of upcoming meetups ([link removed]) .
JOIN US ([link removed])


** PEAK Northeast’s Milestone Year

Our founding chapter reached three amazing milestones this year: PEAK Northeast is the first chapter to top 1,000 members, they helped PEAK launch a pilot mentoring program earlier this month, and they hosted the largest virtual chapter event to date. With 300+ registering for a panel discussion about Equity and Evaluation: Can We Embrace Both in Collecting Demographic Data? ([link removed]) , co-hosted by Philanthropy New York. Kudos PEAK Northeast—continue leading the way!


** PEAK2021 Keynotes Now Available On Demand

Six keynotes were highlights of last month’s virtual conference and they’re now available on our website. We’ve opened four to the entire community—presentations by LaTosha Brown, Policy Link’s Michael McAfee and Amanda Navarro, Pamela Newkirk, and our Changing Face of Philanthropy panel. Two others, available exclusively to members, are panels, one led by Justice Funders and one by Fluxx.
WATCH NOW ([link removed])


** RSVP for Our Next Community Conversation

On August 2, join PEAK and EPIP for a leader salon inspired by the latest PEAK Journal, Career Journeys in Philanthropy ([link removed]) , where we'll explore the triumphs and challenges of pursuing a career in philanthropy.
REGISTER NOW ([link removed])


** We've Moved!

While the PEAK team is currently fully remote, we do have a new mailing address. Please send correspondence to 1701 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Suite 200, Washington, DC 20006. We encourage members to renew online and to submit any payments electronically.

** Upcoming
July 21
July Coffee Hour (PEAK Minnesota) ([link removed])

July 23
Black Caucus Coffee Chat ([link removed])

July 26
PEAK Tech and Data Futurists Community of Practice Peer Share ([link removed])

July 29
AAPI Affinity Group Meeting ([link removed])

August 2
PEAK/EPIP Community Conversation: A Leader Salon on Career Pathways in Philanthropy ([link removed])

August 9
PEAK Accountability & Action for Allies Affinity Group Meeting ([link removed])

August 12
Unlock Your Jedi Skills to Constructively Deal with Drama (PEAK Mideast) ([link removed])

ALL EVENTS > ([link removed])

** PEAK in Community
The latest news about our sector partnerships and how PEAK is advocating for more equitable grantmaking practices at conferences, convenings, and community conversations.

President and CEO Satonya Fair joined PayPal for a “fireside chat" celebrating the launch of their 2021 Community Impact Grants program. The conversation, led by Rosita Najima, focused on equity in grantmaking. The program encourages employees to select an NGO to receive a grant, empowering them to be part of the decision-making process as well as increase awareness of PayPal's mission, impact, and volunteer opportunities.

Programs and Knowledge Director Melissa Sines presented a session on Uncovering Unconscious Bias in Philanthropy, as part of Iowa Council on Foundations racial equity series.

Our five-month Equitable Evaluation Initiative Making the Case Collaboratory wrapped this month! Look for key learnings to be shared by PEAK and partners GEO, Funders Together to End Homelessness, and Southern California Grantmakers.

** The Latest on PEAK's Job Board

Explore career opportunities from across our member community, now conveniently located under the Resources menu on the PEAK website. Searching for a new team member? Members are invited to add job postings at no cost. Simply log in, complete a brief form, and your post will be added shortly.
EXPLORE & POST ([link removed])
Current opportunities:
* Grants & Technology Manager | One8 Foundation, Boston, MA
* Associate Program Officer | National Academy of Sciences, Gulf Research Program, Washington, DC
* Finance and Operations Manager | May & Stanley Smith Charitable Trust, Remote | San Francisco Bay Area, CA
* Program Associate for Education | Oregon Community Foundation, Portland, OR
* Grants and Scholarship Manager | East Bay Community Foundation, Oakland, CA
* Senior Program Officer, Foster Youth | Conrad N Hilton Foundation, Westlake Village, CA
* Programs Associate | Rotary Charities of Traverse City, Traverse City, MI
* Grants and Data Associate | Meyer Memorial Trust, Portland, OR
* Program Assistant, Democratic Practice, US | Rockefeller Brothers Fund, New York, NY
* Director of Grant Operations | Fidelity Foundations, Boston, MA
* Program Associate | Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Foundation, Detroit, MI

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PEAK Grantmaking
1701 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Suite 200
Washington, DC 20006-1242

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