Apply today and become part of the team working to end harassment.

Dear supporter,


We find ourselves in a vital moment, and we are looking for passionate and dynamic collaborators to join our team.


Learn more about the Director, Trainer, and Fellow job opportunities here.


This past year has been transformative for all of us, and as an organization, we aim to empower all folks to disrupt harassment in all its forms. When you learn bystander intervention, you become part of the movement to end harassment. With these job opportunities, we hope you can step up to help us empower more people.


The opportunities listed for Director level positions are: Director of External Affairs, Director of Finance and Administration, and Director of Partnerships. Additionally, there are other full-time level Trainer positions, and fellowship opportunities. All opportunities are remote.


Apply for one of our open positions. 


Hollaback! is an equal opportunity employer. People of color, women, LGBTQ+ people and people with disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply. All candidates will be interviewed on a rolling basis.


Thank you for helping us to keep transforming our culture, and striving  to create a world without harassment, where we can all be who we are.



With Love,




P.S. Can you help us spread the word about these job openings? Here is some sample language you can use on social media:


Hollaback is hiring! Harassment is on the rise, and if you are committed to ending it, join our team. Check out new opportunities available: