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Date July 14, 2021 12:42 PM
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Hi! This is the second Local Edition you're getting today, because the first was one from May and I accidentally sent it instead of this one. Sorry! On with the show...
When Angela Fu started at Poynter last fall, one of the first things we talked about was a beat that needed covering ā€” labor. My colleague Rick Edmonds covered it now and then, and I dabbled in it a bit. But in the last several years, more and more newsrooms have unionized, and we wanted to cover it seriously. Fu jumped right in.

You can see that in her coverage so far ([link removed]) , and in a story that came out this week ([link removed]) that examined the labor movement in journalism. I spoke with Fu about her work, what it means for local and what she plans to work on next in a short Q&A, which youā€™ll find below.
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Kristen: You started covering labor almost from the start. What have you learned about labor and local news since?

Angela: Iā€™ve learned that labor and local news are very closely linked. A lot of the places that have unionized in recent years are local outlets that have suffered budget cuts and layoffs after mergers and changes in ownership. Journalists are unionizing to not only save their jobs, but also to ensure that their communities have a paper that will continue to cover them.

Kristen: And are unions saving local jobs?

Angela: Itā€™s hard to say definitively. There have been cases where unions have stepped in to negotiate with management to minimize layoffs. For example, they might see if a different employee can take anotherā€™s place. A union canā€™t completely stop layoffs, but a lot of unionized journalists point out that they can make the process ā€œeasierā€ by increasing severance pay or requiring that companies give advance notice before letting people go.

Read: A year after ratifying their first contracts, three news unions say they face less uncertainty ([link removed])

Kristen: It sounds like itā€™s a way of asserting some control over a situation where thereā€™s been very little. And your latest piece shows this isnā€™t just happening here and there. One source you spoke with called it a movement. What did you find?

Angela: Thatā€™s definitely how a lot of journalists frame their decision to unionize. Itā€™s the only way they can make sure their demands are heard.

I found that union activity at news outlets has been rapidly increasing over the past decade. And itā€™s not just newspapers or digital outlets. Public radio and TV have also seen an increase in union drives. Also, these drives tend to be very successful. Out of the 200+ drives I found, more than 90% were successful, and there are a number of reasons for that. The unions that represent journalists ā€” the NewsGuild, the Writers Guild, SAG-AFTRA ā€” let workers take the reins and shape their unionsā€™ priorities.

Also, as one professor told me, journalists are good communicators. You can see on social media that a lot of new unions have extensive publicity campaigns to garner support for their efforts.

Read: Not just a wave, but a movement: Journalists unionize at record numbers ([link removed])

Kristen: What are the downsides to this ā€” for newsrooms, employees, communities?

Angela: A lot of journalists will tell you that there are no downsides. After contract negotiations, they often secure higher salaries and greater transparency from management. One thing I have noticed is that occasionally owners of news outlets will shut down their publications rather than let their employees unionize, which obviously hurts both workers and the communities that relied on their coverage. This happens very rarely though. The most prominent example is Joe Rickettsā€™ decision to shut down DNAinfo and Gothamist after the employees there voted to unionize in 2017.

Kristen: What stories are you working on next?

Angela: The next step after getting a union certified is negotiating the first contract. So Iā€™m working on a story about that and looking at how long bargaining usually takes, as well as what factors might shorten or lengthen that process. Iā€™m also working on a story about workers that decide to join their unionized colleagues. For example, the New York Times editorial employees have been unionized for decades. This spring, their tech worker colleagues decided to unionize as well.

Kristen: Iā€™m so glad youā€™re covering this.

Angela: Thereā€™s a lot going on, so itā€™s definitely been an exciting time to cover labor in media.
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Learn how The Dallas Morning News built an audience-driven, self-sustaining initiative to expand its hyperlocal coverage. DMN Local published 2,250 articles, automated newsletters, exceeded its readership and subscription goals, and built trust with underserved communities.
Adapt this strategy in your newsroom. ([link removed]) ā–ø ([link removed])

While youā€™re here:
* Hey weā€™ve got some friends in this good news about the news ([link removed]) piece by The New York Timesā€™ Ben Smith. Hi friends!!!
* Read how rising Postal Service rates could hurt community newspapers ([link removed]) .
* You have until Aug. 1 to apply for the GNI Startups Bootcamp ([link removed]) .
* Want to learn more? Sign up for this fireside chat ([link removed]) with Amanda Zamora from The 19th* and Outlierā€™s Candice Fortman on July 26.
* Read how the Los Angeles Times is recognizing how its failed ([link removed]) the transgender community with past coverage.
* Hey newsrooms, itā€™s time to apply for Report For America positions ([link removed]) . ([link removed])
* The Missouri School of Journalism got a $1.4 million grant in partnership with Report for America to cover the Mississippi River Basin ([link removed]) .
* Up The Block ([link removed]) , a site for Philadelphians affected by gun violence ([link removed]) , is live.
* You have until Aug. 5 to apply ([link removed]) for a grant of up to $5,000 from the Business & Sustainability Initiative at Solutions Journalism Network.
* Read about how, and why, The Objective is taking a summer break ([link removed]) .
* Check out our latest ā€œSome Personal Newsā€ profiles on three journalists who were laid off ([link removed]) and what theyā€™ve done since.
* And hereā€™s my latest obit for the Tampa Bay Times, on a beloved high school teacher ([link removed]) who died at 56 from brain cancer.

Thatā€™s it for me! Thanks for reading. Reminder: Today is Wednesday. Drink your water and get up and stretch!

Kristen Hare
Editor, Locally
The Poynter Institute
@kristenhare ([link removed])

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