Check out my appearance with Kara McKinney last night. We're talking Islamic Jew hatred, terror and sharia.
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WATCH: Pamela Geller Appears On Tipping Point With Kara McKinney on OANN
Check out my appearance with Kara McKinney last night. We're talking Islamic Jew-hatred, terror and sharia.

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Poll: Most Black People Oppose Protests During National Anthem at the Olympics
Democrats couldn't give a fig about Blacks — they mean to destroy the country and they exploit divisiveness and hate in order to achieve their malevolent goal.

Poll: Most Black People Oppose Protests During National Anthem at the Olympics ...

Anti-Christian Hysteria Has Grown Into Church-Burning Terror, And People Might Be Next
The horror. Barely a blip in the Democrat-criminal-media complex. But if this were being done to Muslims, they'd be rounding us up.

Dear @HawleyMO, @ScottWalker, @tedcruz and anyone else out there. Canada is going through a Kristallnacht of ...

As ‘Biden’ Lifts Sanctions On Socialist Venezuela, Nation Arrests Ally Of Guaido, Surrounds Guaido’s Home
What a disgrace. The pro-freedom President Trump was tough on the brutal Maduro regime. Sadly, the Biden Administration is now strengthening the Maduro regime by lifting U.S. sanctions. Exactly what the Biden Administration is doing with Iran. This ...

Chinese Military Forces US Warship Out Of South China Sea: REPORT
This would never have happened under President Trump. China has no fear or respect for the Biden Administration.

Strength deters bad guys. Weakness begets war.

— Mike Pompeo (@mikepompeo) March 19, 2021

Chinese Military Forces US ...

BIDEN’S INFLATION NATION: Inflation Rate Jumps, Highest Since 2008, Prices Up 5.4% in June
Ouch! The Biden Administration's out-of-control tax-and-spend policies are driving up inflation to levels that we have not seen since the Great Recession of 2008. Watch your wallet, America.

Making every dollar you earn and you spend worth ...

WH OFFICIAL: “Biden” Admin is Now Planning To Release A List of Conservative Social Media Influencers
“The Biden Admin is now planning to release a list of conservative social media influencers that were followed by January 6 defendants that questioned the integrity of the 2020 election. The list also includes Members of Congress, per WH ...

WATCH: Evidence of Duplicate Scanned Batches Uncovered From Ballot Images In Georgia
VoterGa presents evidence of duplicate scanned batches uncovered from ballot images obtained from lawsuit. Identical markings/writing prove ballots counted multiple times, compromising official certified election results.



ELITIST Kamala Harris Slammed For Claiming Rural Americans Can’t Photocopy Their IDs
The Biden Administration thinks that we are stupid, and that we are beneath them. Remember these statements for the 2022 mid-term elections, America.

They called you a “Neanderthal.”

They said you weren’t smart enough to make copies ...

Texas House Votes 76-4 to Send the Sergeant-at-Arms to Detain or Arrest Fleeing Members
Living for this.

BREAKING: TX House votes 76-4 to send the Sergeant-at-Arms to detain or arrest fleeing members

— Jewish Deplorable (@TrumpJew2) July 13, 2021

Texas House Republicans vote to track down absent Democrats and arrest ...

Communist Cuba Cracks Down On Protesters Marching For “LIBERTAD!”
Silence from Democrat communists such as AOC and Bernie Sanders. They want this third world life for you and your children.

From the Wall Street Journal editorial board: It isn’t clear if this outburst has staying power or can be crushed like ...

TOTALITARIAN TANTRUM: Texas Democrats Who ‘Fled’ State Over Election Integrity Will Be Arrested Upon Return
The Democrats have a sliver of a majority in Congress and they have commandeered every level of power. In Texas, the Republican majority in the Texas Legislature is overwhelming. The people elected a Republican majority in Texas – that is the ...

TYRANNY: Democrats Plan to ‘Fact Check’ Private SMS Messages
Banging on your door, listening in to your private calls/messages – how is this America? This is Stasi.

Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. There is only to fight, fight, fight.

Democrat Groups Plan to ‘Fact Check’ Private SMS Messages ...

MSNBC Host Shares Chinese Anti-American Propaganda
This is sedition. The media continues to prove why they are the enemy of the people.

MSNBC Host Shares Chinese Anti-American Propaganda  By: Ben Johnson, Daily Wire, Jul 7, 2021:

MSNBC, which frequently accuses its critics of spreading ...

Muslim Child at Islamic Summer Camp: ‘Hitler Left Some Of You Alive On Order To Show Us How Wicked You Are’
Thank goodness for the 'Palestinians'! How else would we know what Hitler was thinking? Islamic Jew-hatred is a pillar of Islam.

Child at Gaza summer camp: ‘Hitler left some of you alive in order to show us how wicked you are’

Child At ...

Death Of A Nation
Where is the glory that once was America?

How Nations Slip from Greatness to Obscurity

Men, like nations, think they’re eternal. What man in his 20s or 30s doesn’t believe, at least subconsciously, that he’ll live forever?

By: Don ...

President Trump OVERWHELMINGLY and Ron DeSantis Lead CPAC Straw Presidential Poll
President Trump is unquestionably the leader of Republican Party. And Governor DeSantis will unquestionably be the leader of the post-Trump Republican Party. Hopefully Trump and DeSantis will run as a ticket in 2024.

But if Trump were to run in ...


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