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Critical race theory has no place in the public school system. Agree or disagree?
There is no sugarcoating the fact that our country's past is full of events that have left painful scars, but we've learned from the mistakes of our
ancestors, and we continue to work to improve on our imperfect union. But if you talk to a liberal, chances are they're going to tell you that America
is an inherently racist country. And that the Constitution itself is racist.
How absurd.
John, it's critically important that my team, as well as the entire Republican Party knows where you stand on this issue, particularly in
light of the fact that the nation's largest teacher's union just endorsed teaching critical race theory to our middle and high school
Please take a moment to let us know:
Why would we ever teach our children that Americans are created unequal?
The motto which has guided our nation through the last 245 years, do you know it? It's "e pluribus unum" - out of many, one.
This is what the Left does, John, they take obscure political theories from ivy league universities and try to make them mainstream to further
divide America.
Please let us know where you stand on this.
It's so important that we stop the Democrats before they start indoctrinating our children with obscure ideas from the fringe Left.
Thank you,

Jim Jordan
Paid for by Jim Jordan for Congress
PO BOX 355
Delaware, OH 43015 |