ALERT: Your IWN invite is EXPIRING soon.

Hi Friend,

Time is running out to be one of the founding members of Independent Women’s Network.

This is your LAST chance to join IWN as an exclusive Beta Member before we open up IWN to the public in a few days.

Join IWN

By accepting your special invite, you will be among the first to join our private platform, where you’ll interact with an impressive and inspiring group of like-minded individuals.

You will be able to speak your mind freely and openly without fear of getting canceled or censored.

You will get access to exclusive content, engagement opportunities, and private chat rooms, so you can get and share the FACTS on the issues… unfiltered.

You will have the opportunity to give feedback on the membership platform and help shape the direction of IWN for years to come.

You will also get to join at the lowest financial level, but get middle-tier membership benefits PLUS Beta Member-exclusive perks that no one else gets—from small-group feedback sessions to private events to discounted swag.

Accept your special invitation to join IWN before it’s too late. 

Join IWN

See ya on the Network,

Elizabeth Tew