Boozman Bulletin: Across Arkansas

It was great being in Arkansas and visiting with friendly folks across the state. Here are some of the highlights of my meetings during the last two weeks while the Senate was adjourned for Independence Day.


I met with Polk County Lions Club members and shared what we're working on in Washington to support Arkansas families, small businesses and economic recovery. My colleagues and I have pushed back on overreaching policies that are fueling inflation and forcing hard working individuals to pay increased prices for gas, food and other necessities. I'm also supporting initiatives that get Americans back to work and provide employers the workforce they need to be successful. 


As a member of the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs I'm constantly working to improve services and benefits earned by the men and women who served in our nation's uniform. We've recently made landmark improvements to Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) care and services for women veterans in addition to a groundbreaking initiative to prevent veteran suicides. Getting input from Arkansas veterans is critical to enhancing programs that support their needs. I had a great discussion with veterans at Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4562 in Texarkana about the measures we're taking to reduce the VA's disability claims backlog and enhance health care. You can read more about this visit in this Texarkana Gazette story


I also met with law enforcement officers in Lewisville. The men and women who uphold law and order are brave public servants. We must ensure they have the investments and resources needed to protect their communities. I'm proud to support the Back the Blue Act and the Protect and Serve Act to help strengthen laws that protect police officers and hold those who perpetrate attacks against them accountable. I appreciate the sacrifices of these officers and all who wear the badge and will continue to advocate for improvements to tools and training so officers can be prepared for the unpredictable.


The University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) recently opened a new clinic in Prescott. I visited with some patients to hear their concerns about rural health care. One challenge for residents in rural areas is access to medical professionals. During the COVID-19 health emergency, medical providers have implemented telehealth alternatives to provide quality care that is convenient, safe and efficient for patients. This has been helpful to improving access to medical attention. This practice is only expanding, and we have to ensure providers have the tools and resources to be successful. In rural areas, this means investing in broadband. Broadband deployment is an important first step. We cannot allow connectivity issues to come between a patient and effective care. 


Additionally, I visited Yeager Middle School in Hope to talk about the community's summer meals program. We also discussed the challenges facing organizers to ensure children have access to healthy and nutritious meals when school is out. They are doing a great job serving students who depend on the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Summer Food Service Program. We need to modernize this federal child nutrition program so more kids experiencing hunger have the ability to participate. That's why I introduced the Hunger-Free Summer for Kids Act. This legislation will create flexibility in order to serve more children in need. You can read more about this visit in this story by SWARK Today.


The U.S. Air Force recently selected Ebbing Air National Guard Base in Fort Smith as home of the future Foreign Military Sales F-35 Squadron and the Singapore Air Force F-16 Squadron. I visited with military and community leaders to celebrate the announcement and offer my support as we lay the groundwork for the next steps in welcoming this new mission to the River Valley. As the lead Republican of the Senate Military Construction Appropriations Subcommittee, I am focused on securing and improving resources that expand these operations. Learn more about the preparations underway in this Fort Smith Times Record story.


Connect with me: Stay up to date with what I’m doing for Arkansans via social media. You can find me on FacebookTwitter and Instagram.


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