Lt. Gov Dan Patrick

Texas House Democrats have gone AWOL (again) in an attempt to stop SB 1 — the Election Security Bill. I was on America's Newsroom with Bill Hemmer this morning to talk about it. You can watch the interview here.

Dems Flee

By fleeing to D.C., Texas Democrats have abandoned the job they were elected to do. Sign our petition if you agree.

Imagine what your boss would say if you left work in the middle of the day, purchased a pack of beer, and flew to another state – all while bragging about it on social media.

Something tells me you wouldn't be asked to return.

Make no mistake, the Texas Senate is in the Texas Capitol to work.

I am looking forward to the passage of Senate Bill 1, the Election Security Bill. This legislation will strengthen the integrity of our elections, including verifying signatures on mail-in ballots, and expanding voting hours.

Aside from election security, we are also committed to passing other key legislation like stopping boys from playing in girls' sports.

Moreover, Texans will remember the Left's actions in 2022. When the time came to deliver for the people of Texas, the Democrats fled while the Republicans stayed to do the job we were elected to do.

Please continue to keep our state and our nation in your prayers. May God bless you and your family, and may He continue to bless the greatest state of all—Texas.


Dan Patrick

Dan Patrick
Lieutenant Governor of Texas

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