Take action by contacting your Senators on these two very important issues, the RISE from Trauma Act and the VOCA Fix act.  Email not displaying correctly?
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Policy Action Center


Make a difference by taking action with us today. 

We need your help this week on two urgent items that could make a huge difference for child and adult victims of violence, and those who've experienced or been exposed to trauma. By joining these grassroots efforts you can bring systemic and positive change. Take action below.

RISE From Trauma Act

RISE (Resilience Investment, Support & Expansion) from Trauma Act (S.2086)


When children and youth experience traumatic events such as being victims or witnesses of violence and abuse, they can suffer. Left unaddressed, exposure to trauma in childhood can have immediate and lifelong impacts on brain development and mental and physical wellbeing, healthy relationships, and academic achievement.  

The bipartisan RISE from Trauma Act, S. 2086 would make a major difference in the lives of families and communities most impacted by trauma. It would authorize more than $600 million annually to help children and families heal from violence and trauma, invest in local community-based organizations, train people to help address mental health issues in children, and authorize the Children Exposed to Violence program. It would fund the tools necessary for communities to recognize and coordinate services to prevent and address the effects of trauma, which have only increased as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

It is URGENT we invest in OUR communities and the tools to help them
#RISEfromTrauma. Press the green take action button below to contact your Senator! 

VOCA Fix Act 

VOCA Fix to Sustain the Crime Victims Fund Act of 2021 (“the VOCA Fix Act”) S.611


The Senate is planning to vote THIS WEEK on a bill that will help restore funding to the Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Crime Victims Fund. This Fund is a primary source of funding for programs to help victims of child abuse, domestic violence, sexual assault and trafficking.  The situation is extreme! Federal grants to victim services through the Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) have been cut by two-thirds in the last four years.

On March 17, the House of Representatives passed the VOCA Fix to Sustain the Crime Victims Fund Act of 2021 (“the VOCA Fix Act”) with overwhelming bipartisan support. This critical legislation will prevent further devastating cuts to federal funding for victim service programs through VOCA. Now we need the Senate to pass it without any harmful amendments. Please call, text or email your Senator today, if possible, and tell them to pass the VOCA Fix bill.

It is time for the Senate to send the #VOCAFix to the President’s desk!

Bills like this are passed because of people like YOU. Thank you for making a difference. One voice alone is strong but together, we can move mountains. 

​​​​​​With respect,
Claire Kao
Policy Communications and Advocacy Coordinator 
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