There’s a lot of posturing in DC, but the last thing we need to be debating is if Donald Trump should be Speaker. But the crazy thing is, if the GOP takes back the House, it’s an actual possibility. We are just starting to reverse the dangerous policies the Trump Administration put in place, and we can’t afford to have such a dangerous man anywhere near elected office ever again.
That’s why we’re reaching out to ask for support to stop this from happening.
Republicans are only 5 seats away from taking the majority and if they win, Matt Gaetz will lead the effort to make Donald Trump the Speaker.
Josh’s seat is especially important: national Republicans have put him on their target list, spending millions of dollars in dark money against him. California Democrats already lost four swing seats last year, and Josh was the only Democrat in a deep purple district to win. We need him to defend the razor-thin Democratic majority in Congress.
Can you chip in $15 or more so we can protect Josh’s seat and STOP Donald Trump from taking back power in Washington?
Thanks for everything you do,
Team Harder