Progress and New Initiatives |

Now, thanks to YOU, Prison Free Funds is a reality
The U.S. imprisons more of its people, both per capita and in total, than any other country in the world.
For-profit firms have flooded money into prison and detention center services, reaping enormous profits from incarceration — and since a lot of mutual funds and 401(k) retirement plans include these companies, you could be profiting from prisons too… READ MORE >>
Choosing an ESG Mutual Fund? Don't trust the name
Of the 88 funds with "ESG" in their name, 35 earned a D or F on climate change or deforestation. Take a minute to find out what a fund actually owns… READ MORE >>
No More Bank Financing "Business-as-Usual"
After taking baby steps in 2020, by early 2021 all six of the banks we engage had committed to align their financing activities with the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement. READ MORE >>
Absolute Cuts in Plastic
We filed shareholder resolutions demanding absolute cuts in overall use of plastic with ten major consumer good and retail companies. READ MORE >>
Regenerative Agriculture is on a Roll
Our pesticide-laden food system needs an overhaul. We're holding big consumer-facing companies — the biggest customers of agricultural commodities — responsible for their suppliers' farming practices, pushing them to eliminate toxic pesticide use and invest in regenerative practices to improve biodiversity and soil health. We've got some great progress for you —
- Kellogg's, will phase out glyphosate (aka Roundup) as a pre-harvest desiccant int its wheat and oat supply chains
- JM Smucker's conducted a pesticide risk analysis in its supply chains and is working to reduce pesticide use
READ MORE about General Mills, Pepsi, and others >>

Racial Justice Corporate Rankings
Our Racial Justice and Diversity/Equity/Inclusion corporate scorecards rank all the S&P500 companies. Now companies are competing with each other for better scores.
Check out the ten best and ten worst at |
Say On Climate
We're working to compel every publicly-held company in the U.S. to formally adopt Say on Climate, which calls for companies to disclose a Paris-aligned climate transition plan and report annually on progress against the benchmarks. We've sent letters to 125 companies and filed 3 resolutions — and we're just getting started. |


The guilty verdict in the George Floyd murder case is a glimmer of hope, but real change comes only with great effort. Companies need to be held accountable, because words are easy — ensuring that people of color are hired, paid, promoted, and retained equitably is less so.
New Racial Justice mutual fund screening tool
Thanks to your generosity, we've taken the first steps, scoring the S&P500 in our Racial Justice Corporate Scorecard. Now our research team is working on adding rankings for the Russell1000 companies. Soon we'll have enough data to build a new Invest Your Values mutual fund screen — Social Justice Funds.
You'll be able to see which mutual funds hold companies scoring poorly on racial justice.
You can make it happen. Will you help?
Systemic racism is a pernicious and debilitating force. Social Justice Funds will enable investors to make sure their savings support companies doing the right thing.
Your gift today powers the work. Give today.

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As You Sow gets big companies to make big changes, to benefit people, planet, and profit. Because the corporations creating problems have got to be part of the solution.

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