We’re still a few hours away from tonight’s first pitch, and this year’s MLB All-Star game in Denver is already one of baseball’s most memorable.

We’re looking forward to watching the game’s brightest stars take the diamond at Coors Field. But right now, we’re thinking about the fans and voters in Georgia who would’ve hosted this game if Republicans didn’t pass some of the most aggressive anti-voting measures we’ve seen in decades.

Look, when John signed universal vote by mail into law in 2013 as Governor, he did so with bipartisan support. Colorado Democrats and Republicans agreed that our democracy is more robust when more people vote. Since then, our state’s had some of the highest turnout in America.

As thankful as we are for the strides we’ve made here in Colorado, we need Congress to strengthen our democracy in all 50 states. But we must keep our Democratic Senate Majority to get this done.

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Major League Baseball recognizes that Colorado’s on the right path because our elections are fair, secure, and accessible. When it comes to protecting our democracy, we should all be on the same team — but it’s clear that Republicans outside of Colorado missed the assignment.

If you’re with us, then “pitch” in $10 or whatever you can afford to help the home team protect our democracy.

Thank you, as always.

— Team Hick