When I think about the sham impeachment proceedings currently being held in secret by this Democratic Congress, I can’t help but think who’s leading the charge. When you take a quick glance, the top culprits are easy to spot: career politicians.
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Adam Schiff - 18 years
Jerry Nadler - 27 years
Nancy Pelosi - 32 years

When I think about the sham impeachment proceedings currently being held in secret by this Democratic Congress, I can’t help but think who’s leading the charge. When you take a quick glance, the top culprits are easy to spot: career politicians.

It comes as no surprise to me that the loudest, most forceful voices for impeachment are coming from politicians that have been in Congress for decades. 

It’s their careers over our votes.  It’s their fame over what’s right for the country.  It’s their “fifteen minutes” over our President.  

It has become painfully evident that now, more than ever, we need Congressional term limits to stop a farce like this from ever happening again.

That’s why today I want to ask you, John, to help me to stop these career Democrats by signing my Term Limits Petition today.


Career politicians breed political corruption. Now, the same liberal Democrats that have been in Congress for decades are leading the charge to take out the President that 1.5 million Hoosiers voted for.

The current push to invalidate your vote in 2016 is only a symptom of the problem of a corrupt Washington machine. If something isn’t done, we will see this same scene play out over and over again.

Please sign our petition, and help me put an end to the corrupt Washington swamp that has been in Congress for decades too long.

Thank you,

Trey Hollingsworth


Paid for by Trey for Congress

Trey for Congress, P.O. Box 421
Jeffersonville, IN 47130
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