Some happenings with RG!



RG has been reflecting as an organization on ways to pay respect to Indigenous people on this very important day and on all days.

What are ways to create policies that begin to respect the Native communities who continue to steward land and lead the movements that are integral to all of our liberation? 

Art for Resource Generation by @ashlukadraws 

The nonprofit structure is not designed to enable the sharing of resources and often limits the ability of organizations to act in integrity with collective values. So what does it look like within the nonprofit model to begin finding the edges of those ideals?

To quote our vision statement, “Resource Generation envisions a world in which all communities are powerful, healthy, and living in alignment with the planet. A world that is racially and economically just in which wealth, land and power are shared.” So what are the small ways we can create policies that move us towards that vision? One is focusing in on what we know, that all wealth is built off of the land and that we are all tied to the land. Domestically and internationally, much of our membership base has family wealth from access to land gained through displacement. In particular in the states, being descended from early settlers who benefited from stolen land, or who currently have ties to extractive real estate industries that push out poor and working class people of color, especially Black people. Great harm has been caused by systematically and violently disenfranchising Black and Indigenous communities from access to land stewardship and to the power and self-determination that can come with land access. 

Resource Generation is trying out creating policies that reflect our values and we want to share a little about what we’re up to as an invitation to others, individually and organizationally. For RG, as a community of young people with access to wealth and class privilege it is essential that we (staff and members) take the time to learn about the Black and Native lead organizing locally and nationally and to support in whatever ways we’re able.

Read our entire blog post on RG's new Indigenous Land Tax policy and other resources to learn more about land reparations and indigenous-led organinzing, "Indigenous Land Tax: One Way that RG Strives to Create Policies that Reflect Our Values."





Building our membership means mobilizing more money for social justice movements, more opportunities to build authentic cross-class campaigns with our partners, and more visibility as young people with class privilege and access to wealth who reject the status quo and instead are organizing for the equitable distribution of wealth, land, and power.

Join RG as a dues-paying member so that we all can continue to show up fully and powerfully alongside poor and working-class led movements to end racial capitalism in our lifetimes. 


Level up your interdependence during our fall membership-drive by: 



RG Boston

The RG Boston Chapter just had our third quarterly meeting of the year. We finished the most recent round of praxis (almost 30 participants!) and at the meeting, we were gearing up for another round.



Lately, we've been working with Community Labor United, our local Center for Popular Democracy (CPD) partner, on their anti-privatization campaign targeting Fidelity. Right now, they are specifically asking us to mobilize our base to pressure Fidelity to stop funding 16 hate groups (identified for the Southern Poverty Law Center) through their Donor Advised funds. We are always looking for more and better ways to show up in this partnership! A few of our members attended the CPD convention and RG's Transformative Leadership Institute (TLI), and we were excited to learn about their experiences at the meeting.  

RG Chicago

The Chicago chapter partnered with Avodah Service Corp., and RG chapter leaders, Salpi and Sam, led their second training on class, wealth, and cross-class communication to Avodah corp members.

In this five hour long adventure, Salpi and Sam asked Avodah corp members to assess their own money story and their communication patterns as well as to problem-solve difficult money conversations with newly introduced tips and tools. 
The chapter has also introduced inter-chapter 1:1s, so Chicago RG members can further get to know each other!

RG Colorado

Things are happening with RG Colorado, people!

We just had one of our best-attended open chapter meetings (15 peeps... simmer down NY RG, we're catching up ;-) in which we explored ways to build together and laid out some exciting plans -- to deepen our partnership with the Chinook Fund, start up a young people of color with wealth (YPOCWW) caucus, and roll into another round of praxis. And we're getting fired up for a visit from RG National Organizer Christina Brown this Fall to do some strategic planning for the chapter and keep up the momentum. Heck yes, folks!


RG NYC is keeping busy, we hosted an all chapter meeting early in the month with almost 40 attendees!

Our chapter also just got back from a weekend leadership retreat where we approved a proposal to transition to Sociocracy as a chapter structure! The retreat definitely brought up a lot of growing edges for our chapter that we're excited to work through in the coming months as we launch a new round of Praxis and a new Base Building and Leadership Development working group.

RG has 16 chapters and college hubs across the U.S.
Learn more and get involved here.








Transforming Philanthropy is an intimate retreat is geared toward young people who are roughly in the top 1% of the U.S. economy. 

The conference is for people ages 18-35 who fit one* or more of the following criteria: 

- You are an individual or are part of a couple who has access to $1M or more in liquidable assets (wealth that is held in cash, stocks or bonds, as opposed to non-liquid assets, like a house or car)
- Your family has $10M in assets or more
- You have a family foundation or are involved in a family giving vehicle
- You anticipate inheriting at least $5M in total over your lifetime 

Transforming Philanthropy might be appropriate for individuals who do not meet these criteria but who are giving significant amounts away each year. 

To get added to our registration announcement list for this event, please email Jes Kelley at [email protected]

*That’s right, you can meet just one of the above criteria and be an ideal participant for this conference. 



Get more info and/or get on the MMMC 2019 waitlist here



  • ***Inspiration for this email's subject line is in reference to new book "Decolonizing Wealth: Indigenous Wisdom to Heal Divides and Restore Balance" by Edgar Villanueva. Read North Star Fund's interview with him here, "Decolonizing Wealth: 4 Questions with Edgar Villanueva. 
  • On Thursday, October 17th join a webinar from The LEAP (a climate justice organization based in Canada): "Wealth Redistribution, Reparations, and the Green New Deal." This webinar will explore what frameworks for wealth redistribution, grounded in historical injustice, a Green New Deal can offer. Our Executive Director, Iimay Ho, will be speaking on this webinar on Thurs, Oct 17 at 4:30 PM ET.  Register today because spots are going fast! 
  • On Tuesday, October 15th join LIFT Economy and the Sustainable Ag and Food Systems Funders for a webinar co-sponsored by Resource Generation discussing innovative and diverse financing mechanisms for shared ownership of agricultural land and long-term ecological stewardship. More info and registration here. *No one turned away for lack of funds. If you'd like to join but the cost is prohibitive to your attending, please email erin (at) lifteconomy (dot) com
  • From the recently launched Manna-hatta Fund: "As New Yorkers, we live on stolen land. The rights of Native Peoples to their culture, land, and sovereignty have never been acknowledged by our city or state. In fact, our government continues to displace, undermine, and harm Native peoples — to the benefit of people like me. Join me in taking a small step to right this relationship, by making a monthly recurring gift to the Manna-hatta Fund, which directly supports the culture, health, and sovereignty of Native Peoples living in New York City."
  • New from Movement for Black Lives: Reparations Toolkit




Learn more about RG membership here!


