
In our nation, the biggest determining factor of whether you live near toxic pollution, whether you drink contaminated water, or whether you breathe dirty air is the color of your skin and your economic status.

That’s wrong, and it’s time to make it right.

Earlier this year, I introduced the Environmental Justice Legacy Pollution Cleanup Act — a $200 billion investment to clean up toxic sites, improve air quality, and address lead, clean water, and sanitation issues. And with the Senate negotiating major infrastructure legislation right now, there has never been a better time to pass our bill.

The next infrastructure package must include major investments to clean up toxic pollution, and with your support, I’m confident that we can include it.

Add your name as a citizen cosponsor of the Environmental Justice Legacy Pollution Cleanup Act to help me pass this $200 billion investment to clean up pollution.


There is a large, bipartisan majority of senators who agree with taking action to rebuild our physical infrastructure.

But if we continue to allow children to inhale diesel fumes on their school buses, to be poisoned by lead-based paint and lead in their drinking water pipes, or to walk past the largest backlog of unfunded EPA Superfund sites, we will have failed this generation.

So there is no time to delay: Add your name if you agree we must include this $200 billion investment to clean up toxic pollution in the infrastructure package.


We are seeking to correct environmental injustices that have persisted across our nation for generations. Thank you for adding your voice to such an important issue.

— Cory