"Trump's mounting troubles in Iowa could spell doom for Republicans"
"Trump's mounting troubles in Iowa could spell doom for Republicans"
- Art Cullin in The Guardian, 10/14/2019

Democrats have a real shot at taking back the Senate, but to do it we need to defeat Iowa U.S. Senator Joni Ernst.

Eddie Mauro is the progressive fighter we need to undo the damage Trump has done, but he’ll only win this race with your help. Chip in $5 or more now.

Hello --

Yesterday, Pulitzer Prize winner and Iowa reporter Art Cullen released an op-ed in The Guardian about Trump’s dismantling of the Midwest economy.

Cullen illustrated some of the fallout from Trump’s trade war with China. It led John Deere to cut its production by twenty percent, causing Iowa’s largest employer to lay off 160 workers. The notorious trade war also left crop markets in the soybean industry in “disarray,” forcing farmers to sell product below market value just to stay afloat.

And where was Joni Ernst while this was happening? Hiding in Trump’s shadow.

Eddie Mauro is the progressive fighter we need to undo the damage Donald Trump and his allies have done to working families in Iowa and across the country. Chip in $5 or more and help him build a people-powered campaign that can win this election.

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What’s worse, is this Administration’s lack of concern for our well being. His Secretary of Agriculture, Sonny Perdue, thought it appropriate to joke and call us “whiny” for being worried about the state of their trade war.

Again, where was Joni? Standing by the Administration over the needs of her constituents.

Iowa needs someone who will stand up to Trump, not someone who will succumb to his harmful policy practices. Our state needs someone who will demand answers from the President and stand up for their constituents. Our state needs someone like Eddie Mauro.

Let’s take advantage of this moment. Eddie Mauro is ready to fight for our farmers and rural communities-- he’s ready to call an end to this bogus trade war and put working people first, but he can only do it with your help. Can you chip in $5 and help elect Eddie Mauro to the U.S. Senate?


Keegan Brown
Communications Director


P.O. Box 21099
Des Moines, IA

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