John --
I’m emailing you directly because with so much going on in the news, it’s possible this slipped past your radar. President Trump signed an executive order directing all federal agencies to shut down at least one third of their scientific advisory boards.
The result? The Trump administration has shut down federal panels on invasive species and marine sanctuaries -- the latest attack on science from the president who pulled the United States out of the Paris Climate Accord.
With these changes, countless scientists hard at work to control, regulate, and research invasive species, endangered species, marine life, and climate change no longer have funding.
We can’t let the Trump administration put our planet and our safety in danger because they refuse to listen to science. I am calling on the Trump administration to recommit to the Paris Climate Accord and support critical scientific research. Will you join me today?
Believing and acting on scientific research wasn’t always such a partisan issue. Because Trump refuses to listen to science, we are losing critical science programs. Not acting on climate change NOW will reshape our ecosystems beyond recognition -- impacting our wildlife, the land we love, and even our food supply.
The repercussions of Trump’s actions could be irreparable, John.
Washington is currently facing over 700 invasive species and is home to the 3,188 square mile Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary -- so this issue is incredibly close to home. Will you fight back with me today?
Join me in demanding the administration end these anti-science attacks on our environment.
Thank you,
Suzan DelBene
PO Box 477, Kirkland, WA 98083
Paid for by DelBene for Congress
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