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The int’l community must resist calls for ‘muscular intervention’ in Haiti

By Laura Wagner on Jul 13, 2021 03:30 am

The legacy of foreign influence there is a grim one, especially when 'help' has ended up resulting in the opposite.
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The Miami-Haiti Connection: Another mercenary, another day

By Kelley Beaucar Vlahos on Jul 12, 2021 06:39 am

Emerging details suggest that President Moïse's assassins were Colombians hired by a security firm in Florida. Sound familiar?
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What would these two Gulf of Tonkin dissenters say about Congress today?

By Daniel Larison on Jul 09, 2021 03:40 am

57 years after Senators Gruening and Morse made their lonely stand, lawmakers are still passively ceding war powers to the president.
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Can the Afghan government draft a new constitution with the Taliban?

By Haroun Rahimi on Jul 09, 2021 03:03 am

The country's long journey of competing political visions begins in 1964, and right now, the future seems up for grabs.
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How the growing UAE-Saudi rivalry could pay off for the United States

By Annelle Sheline on Jul 08, 2021 03:25 am

Their fierce competition for economic power in the region might actually smooth America's exit from the stage.
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Report: Biden is rethinking the price of economic warfare

By Beatrix Geaghan-Breiner on Jul 07, 2021 03:49 am

The administration may be overhauling punitive sanctions — but some countries will still be treated differently than others.
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Would-be monarch of Iran to brief umbrella org for US Jewish groups

By Eli Clifton on Jul 06, 2021 02:54 pm

The Conference of Presidents noted Reza Pahlavi’s ‘calls for regime change’ on the event invite.
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