This would NEVER have happened if Trump was not robbed of the election in 2020.
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

For more information on any post below, click through to read the full article on our website.

World Health Org To Distribute Chinese Vaccines Over U.S. Objections
This would NEVER have happened if Trump was not robbed of the election in 2020.

World Health Org To Distribute Chinese Vaccines Over U.S. Objections

Vaccine distribution network COVAX buys Chinese doses amid questions about efficacy

By: ...

“Palestinians” Have 14 Pre-Conditions For Restarting Peace Negotiations
These pre-conditions include re-opening Palestinian institutions to resume political activity (terrorism) in East Jerusalem, a near banning of Jewish visits to the Temple Mount, restrict anti-riot Israeli Police activity at the Temple Mount, ...

OF COURSE! Gov. DeSantis, Florida Republicans Lead Response To Freedom Protests Erupting In Cuba
Florida is ground zero for freedom and liberty. That is why much of the country is flocking to the Sunshine State.

Remember how Obama empowered Castro and the communists?

Related – Biden Admin Blasted For Claiming Cubans Are Protesting ...

Arizona State Senator: Georgia Has Proof of Somebody Admitting to Running Ballots Through Numerous Times
It's coming. Something big.

Arizona State Senator: Georgia Has Proof of Somebody Admitting to Running Ballots Through Numerous Times

By: Martin Walsh,  Conservative Brief, July 12, 2021:

Arizona GOP State Senator Sonny Borrelli dropped ...

Islamic terrorists lead religious services in a quarter of federal prisons: inspector general report
Prisons are a notorious hotbed of jihad recruitment. Who better to target than the violent, broken and disenfranchised? Why would authorities give violent jihadis access to the general population? In no fewer than five states, New York, New Jersey, ...

DHS Says Trump ‘Reinstatement’ Talk is Dangerous
“Dangerous” only to the illegitimate regime.

The real danger lies in the Democrat coup and the biggest election theft in human history.

The idea first came to us from Sidney Powell – a pro-Trump lawyer who once represented Michael ...

‘Biden’ Admin Blasted For Claiming Cubans Are Protesting ‘COVID Cases,’ ‘So Disrespectful’ #SoSCuba
What an evil ass.

The Biden Admin doesn't want a free Cuba because they know Cubans emigrating here would vote for Conservatives.

— John Cardillo (@johncardillo) July 12, 2021

The police in Santiago de Cuba join in the protests. ...

FREE CUBA! Watch Massive ANTI-COMMUNIST Protests Erupt, Cubans Demand End To Communist Dictatorship: ‘We Want Freedom!’
Biden Administration Claims Cuban Anti-Communist Protests Are About 'Rising COVID Cases/Deaths'

Cuba cut off all internet in attempts to censor protests. They fought for too long. A change gonna come

— OkJose ...

Maajid Nawaz claims ‘Islamism’ arose only with Afghan war, changes subject when asked about Quran’s violent passages
“Maajid Nawaz expertly debunks theory that Islam is ‘inherently fundamentalist,’“ wrote the sycophant Seán Hickey in the UK’s LBC on Saturday, and I say it’s high time. So many Muslims around the world have been acting as if the ...

Oman not ready to normalize ties with Israel yet, foreign minister says
This is to be expected. Under the Trump Administration, Oman was this close to normalizing their relations with Israel. Now that the Trump Administration is out of office, Oman has now put the breaks on normalizing ties with Israel. It is highly ...

A Tale of Two States
No contest. Democrat authoritarianism is deadly.

Related: COVID-19 lockdowns caused more deaths instead of reducing them, RAND study finds

States That Voted Biden Lost Twice as Many Jobs Amid Pandemic

This Tale of Two States Features ...


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