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Tuesday, July 13th, 2021

True Civil Libertarians Must Oppose the IRS

Ron Paul, MD

Do Nano-Sized Graphene Oxide Particles in Your Covid Vaccines + 5G Radiation Cause Covid-19?

Bill Sardi

Always Walk Proudly Unmasked & Always Push Back When Asked for a Doctor’s Note

Allan Stevo

Blaming Russia for MH17 Shoot-Down: A Bum Rap?

Ray McGovern

Violent Extremists Took Over the US Capitol Long Before January 6

Caitlin Johnstone

The Potential Orwellian Horror of Central Bank Digital Currencies

John Adams

The Truth About Heat Waves

Jim Steele

A Bodyguard of Lies

James Howard Kunstler

They Are Destroying More Than Churches in Canada

Andrew Sansone

When the Woke Eat Each Other Alive: ESPN Edition

Jack Cashill

The Real Merchants of Death

Laurence M. Vance

Blue America Hates the Rest of Us and Is Out To Get Us

Paul Craig Roberts

LRC Blog

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