Hey friend,
Right now, I’m preparing to return to Congress for a very important legislative session that will last several weeks.
My colleagues and I will be working hard to pass two of our most important progressive priorities: infrastructure and voting rights.
With razor thin majorities and a GOP dead-set on obstruction, this will be no easy fight.
At the same time, the GOP is working around the clock to campaign against us and steal our majorities!!
Unfortunately, this upcoming legislative session means I won’t be able to spend as much time fundraising to protect my seat.
Team, that’s why I’m turning to you, my online supporters: Can I count on you to chip in $3 right now and keep my campaign funded so I can ward off Republican attacks? »
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Seriously, thank you so much. I couldn’t do any of this without you.
Now back to fighting for progessive wins in Congress!
-- Mark Takano