Dear Fellow American,
I hope you’re having a good day today.
You may have heard a lot of talk in the media lately about how our Constitution, as designed by the Founding Fathers, is flawed and outdated.
It may make you wonder, as it does me: How should defenders of the Constitution respond to these charges?
Well, a few early defenders of the Constitution—Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison—have given us the guide: The Federalist Papers.
These essays were written between October 1787 and August 1788 under the pen name Publius, The Federalist Papers, and were published initially as newspaper editorials intended to explain the merits of the Constitution.
Thomas Jefferson described The Federalist Papers as “the best commentary on the principles of government which ever was written.”
And Mark Levin—the “Great One”—gave Hillsdale a rare first edition set of these famous essays. They’re on display at our Allan P. Kirby, Jr. Center in Washington, D.C. It’s safe to say we’re pretty fond of The Federalist Papers around here.
In fact, that’s why we developed a course dedicated just to these important essays. There is no better guide to understanding the principles of liberty underlying our Constitution than through the words of the Founders themselves. That’s why I’d like to send you our entire 10-lesson course, "The Federalist Papers,” on DVD today with your generous donation of $100 or more to Hillsdale College.
You can learn more about this special DVD box set using this secure link:
Thanks for reading my email, and I hope you’ll reserve your copy of “The Federalist Papers” DVD box set today. Supplies are limited and I’d hate for you to miss out.
Bill Gray
Class of 2001
Associate Vice President of National Donor Outreach
Hillsdale College