
By now seeing stories about people rioting and looting in big Democrat controlled cities is old news.
Just last summer there were people burning whole city blocks and destroying millions of dollars’ worth of private property.
Now New York City prosecutors are dropping looting charges against hundreds of protestors who rioted in the City this past summer.
This is disgusting. CRIME and NO PUNISHMENT.
John, do you think that these people who rioted and burned down businesses should be thrown in jail?
Yes, there should be consequences for crime
No, there should be no consequences
This sort of display is typical of these Democrat run cities where they just pay lip service to public safety, but care more about coddling leftist criminals.
Right now, crime is on the rise and our Democrat run cities are becoming crime-ridden hellscapes -- all because of the Democrat’s would rather defund the police than put criminals in jail.
Our cities are being run straight into the ground.
If we don’t get control of our cities now this will only grow worse.
So, John, as a law-abiding American citizen do you believe that these people who destroyed and looted our cities should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law?
Yes, there should be consequences for crime
No, there should be no consequences

God Bless,

Alex X. Mooney
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