Let’s show him the door.

Tim Alexander For Congress

John –

Jeff Van Drew has always been it for himself. Real leaders don’t abandon their principles in exchange for power and prestige. Here’s the proof:

Jeff Van Drew's voting record on key issues. In 2019, Jeff Van Drew voted with Democrats on the issues. In 2021, Jeff Van Drew votes with Republicans and supports Donalds Trump.

Rep. Jeff Van Drew isn’t in it for us. He’s flip flopped on EVERY major issue to suck up to Donald Trump. And South Jerseyans will NEVER forget it. Let’s send Jeff Van Drew packing — chip in $15 or more to help Tim Alexander defeat this self-serving traitor next year >>>

Tim Alexander is and always will be a man of his word. He’s not running for Congress to take marching orders from party leaders. He’s in it for Jersey. As a former law enforcement officer, prosecutor, and civil rights attorney, he’s dedicated his career to serving everyday people like us.

And he will continue to do the same in Congress. But the fight to defeat a self-serving politician backed by big special interests isn’t an easy one. We really need your support, John. Your $15 contribution will make a huge difference in this race to defeat Jeff Van Drew next year >>>

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Team Alexander

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Tim Alexander is a former detective and civil rights attorney, running to defeat Trump loyalist Jeff Van Drew in New Jersey’s 2nd Congressional District.
Can you rush a $5 donation to help fuel our grassroots movement and flip this seat blue? >>>


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