It’s undeniable: Climate change is making natural disasters harsher and more frequent.

Hi John,

I was born and raised in North Carolina.

I’ve seen it all in this state — hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, you name it.

And one thing is undeniable: Climate change is making these natural disasters harsher and more frequent.

John, we need to protect North Carolina for future generations. We must address climate change before it’s too late. That’s why, as governor, I’ve made investing in clean energy a priority in my administration. Now, we need our legislature to follow our lead and invest in a clean energy future.

Take a minute to sign our petition asking Republican legislators to set partisanship aside and get to work protecting our environment through clean energy investments >>>


Expanding renewable energy will grow our economy while helping to secure our planet against climate change — but we’re running out of time to make a real difference.

For years, experts have told us that we need to take real action by 2030 to prevent irreversible climate change. Just nine years.

It’s up to every one of us. We can’t risk running out of time to protect our planet for future generations.

You can help by signing our petition right now to ask the legislature to join with our administration and support advancements in clean energy. Click here to add your name >>>

Thank you,
