I'm deleting my website...

Now that I've thrown that out there, allow me to explain:

When I published my first blog post on the Living Whole website seven years ago, I had no idea anyone would read it –– let alone millions of people. When I first started the website I was just documenting my 40 days on raw food. Then one day I wrote a rebuttal to an article I read on vaccines. (Back then, you could actually share your views without worry of being censored, kicked off a platform, or blacklisted.)

My blog went viral –– and so did every post after it. I amassed a following of more than 60,000 people and gave them a voice. I poured thousands of dollars into creating a website that people could rely on and provided cited responses to trending posts and information about natural health. I loved it.

And then life happened. Six years ago I went through a divorce and my blog had to be put on hold because single parenting five small children and working my "real job" came first. I had always planned to come back to it, and did here and there, but the gray skies didn't lift as quickly as I hoped they would. Thirty-nine months ago CPS entered my life and I endured over three years of what I can only describe as some sort of hell. To say that they didn't target me because of my blog and the views I expressed on it would be a lie. They absolutely did. (There are actually posts from my blog that got entered as exhibits and used against me in court.) I had to be very careful about what I posted and I also had no time to devote to the website because litigation and fighting for my children was my full-time job.

And then censorship happened. No longer can I share posts that reach people. No longer can I publish something on social media and expect more than 67 of my followers will see it. Google, Facebook, et, al. have destroyed platforms like mine and free thought along with it. It is simply too expensive and too time consuming to reach people, and I can't justify the insane amount of hours it takes me to write posts that don't. I am tired and I don't want to do it anymore –– at least as things currently are.

Now that I'm on the other side of all of this, I've decided to take my BAR exam. (It's in TWO weeks.) I want to practice and I'm going to take on the corruption I've witnessed in my community. Does this mean I'll stop writing? No...but it means that Living Whole no longer fits whatever it is I'm called too. It's not my purpose. I love natural health but I want to do more. I want to educate people on their parental rights and equip people with the tools they need to protect and fight for their families. I want to empower and encourage families and help people "wake up." I don't know exactly what this looks like yet, I just know I'm not where I need to be.

Thus, I will be deleting the Living Whole website. I wish I could leave it up but it's thousands of dollars to maintain and I simply can't. Please save my posts if you need them. (I'll save them also.) I will still be writing for Children's Health Defense and I also made an account on Substack where I can write (and reach people) for free. After I take my Bar exam, I've promised to write a series of posts on obtaining "you know what" exemptions, and this is where you will find them.

I will also keep this email list so that I can keep you updated.

Here are places where you can also find me:
Facebook Page
Personal Facebook Page
Living Whole "Official" Group (I am not going to delete this amazing community. It wouldn't be fair to them. You'll find me actively participating in this group and interacting with all of you.)
Substack –– for any personal writing I will be doing.

Also, this means the Living Whole supplement line will come to an end, so grab your favorites and stock up on your medicine cabinet while you can. (There are only 38 Liver Detoxes left!) You can use the code "save30" for 30% off PLUS free shipping on orders over $50 (just check the free shipping box at check-out).

The elderberry syrup, colloidal silver (w/ oregano and olive leaf extract), and topical colloidal silver are great to have in your medicine cabinet (and last a long time). Vitamin D is a must-have. Liver Detox and Adrenal Juice w/ Reishi mushroom are two of my absolute favorites for all things detox and stress support. Kids Calm is a supplement formulated to support your child's nervous system.

As always, thank you for being the most amazing followers ever. I hope you'll still be there when I decide where I'm meant to land.

–– Love, Megan