
Dear John,

As New York City moves to a full return of in-person learning in public schools this fall, we must ensure that our children and school staff are safe from the ongoing public health and climate crisis. It is imperative that Mayor de Blasio and the next incoming mayor build Green Healthy Schools to create good, green jobs, and ensure a healthier and sustainable New York City. Take action with us and demand that Mayor de Blasio and the next incoming Mayor build Green Healthy Schools now!

As we argue in our new op-ed in the Gotham Gazette, installing solar systems and HVAC air control systems within schools will help us move towards equitable, healthy communities for our students and teachers, lower our city’s emissions, and create good green jobs for our communities. Now is the time to invest in these solutions and move towards an Equitable Recovery for New York City.

In our new report, Climate Works for All has shown that the city has already committed to invest energy efficiency upgrades in our buildings. Now, we urge Mayor de Blasio to begin the work of dispersing this funding towards solar and HVAC systems in New York City public schools, and our next Mayor to continue this legacy of investment during their administration. Join us in demanding Mayor de Blasio end his term fighting for our communities by building Green, Healthy Schools now!

In solidarity,

Maritza Silva-Farrell

Executive Director