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Monday, July 12th, 2021

Just What Is the Hidden Agenda Behind the U.S. Military Order for Anti-Aging Pills?

Bill Sardi with Matthew Sardi

Cultural Fire Lines

Karen Kwiatkowski

Ratification: The Struggle for Massachusetts

Murray N. Rothbard

Ending Anonymity: Why the WEF’s Partnership Against Cybercrime Threatens the Future of Privacy

Whitney Webb

Assange To Be ‘Moved Around’ Sine Die

Ray McGovern

A Contrarian View on the ‘China’ Virus

Paul Hein

The Dollar’s Final Crash Down a Golden Matterhorn

Egon von Greyerz

Post-Covid Vaccine Deaths Are Not Being Autopsied – Why?

Ethan Huff

The Weaponization of January 6

Jeff Crouere

China Mega Investment Deal With Iran Blows U.S. Out of the Picture

Martin Jay

The Fightback Against Critical Race Theory

Sean Collins

The Deadly Censorship of Ivermectin

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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