
The Senate is back in session tomorrow, and we’re planning to make the most of it — addressing our infrastructure, the housing crisis, and beginning the process of healing our environment and confronting climate change.

But before I head back to Washington, I want to make sure that I hear from you directly to understand your stories and the issues you care about. You see, the mark of any good leader is the willingness to listen. And after all that you’ve done these past few months, I want your input.

Can you take a minute (or two, tops!) to fill out my short July Priorities Survey and let me know what’s on your mind? In order for us to fight for real progress together, I need to understand your priorities.

Too many politicians take their cues on important issues from think tanks and federal lobbyists. Not me. I take mine from the stories folks like you tell me every day — and then we work to solve those problems together.

Reading the responses you send to our Priorities Surveys is one of my favorite parts of the job. There’s just no substitute for the connection you make directly with our campaign. And with so many major priorities due to move through the Senate in the coming weeks, I want to make sure you’ve got a seat at the table.

Will you take a few minutes to complete our July Priorities Survey today? Your feedback is important to me.

I’m looking forward to reading your responses. Thanks for taking a few minutes to share them with me.

— Tina