The United States has one of the highest rates of child poverty among the world's wealthiest nations. It's a disgrace.

The good news is that thanks to the American Rescue Plan, starting this week nearly 39 million eligible American families will begin to receive up to $300 per month for each child through the end of the year.

This expanded Child Tax Credit is projected to cut child poverty in half this year. It's an important achievement that will provide real relief for so many families struggling to get by.

But we cannot stop here. We must do everything we can to end child poverty in America, including making the expanded Child Tax Credit permanent.

If you agree, please sign my petition in support of making the expanded Child Tax Credit permanent. We cannot rest in the fight to end child poverty >>

The substantial progress we have already made was only possible because of you and others throughout Maryland and around the country who engaged in our political process to demand change and move our country forward.

Together we must continue building a stronger and fairer America for all of us.

