I’m worried. Forgive the Sunday email John, but your help is urgently needed. That’s why I’m emailing you now. You see, we are at a critical time in the fight for the Equal Rights Amendment. The House, in March, passed a resolution removing the time limit from the Equal Rights Amendment’s preamble. But the ERA resolution just sits in the Senate — blocked by the threat of a filibuster. We have a majority of senators pledged to vote yes. But one man — the Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell — with the power of the filibuster, stands in the way. We must ramp up the ERA campaign and end the filibuster. We must make the campaign massive — big enough to honor nearly 100 years, four generations of feminists — marching, rallying, voting, electing, fighting to win equality of rights for all.
Big enough to convey the message that well over 80% of the population wants equality of rights for women in the Constitution and to end sex discrimination. Congress approved the ERA, and the required 38 state legislatures have ratified it. We must make the campaign so large and visible it cannot be ignored. We need your support now to ensure that the campaign is big enough to help end the filibuster. We have the summer to build a massive campaign for the fall when the critical Senate votes will likely occur. We can do it! Please pitch in tonight with any amount you can to help make this a historic campaign. Any amount will help. Here’s a secure link: secure.everyaction.com/eXvSOfVUWUWzsZOGGbKDbQ2. Together we will make history. For Equality,
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