Dear Patriot, Forced vaccinations could be just around the corner. Two recent developments are not sitting well with me at all on this front, and I think you and I need to deliver a loud and clear message that the tyrants need to change course immediately! Those who value liberty have had enough of the vaccination propaganda and coercion. Unfortunately, the Department of Defense didn’t get the memo and is now issuing internal communications to prepare military personnel for mandatory COVID vaccinations as early as September 1 of this year: “Commanders will continue COVID-19 vaccination
operations and prepare for a directive to mandate COVID-19 vaccination for service members [on or around] 01 September 2021, pending full FDA
licensure,” the order said. “Commands will be prepared to provide a backbrief on servicemember vaccination status and way ahead for
completion once the vaccine is mandated.” Servicemembers are already threatening to quit over this proposal, which has prompted Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY) to introduce H.R. 3860, which will ban this requirement for any member of the U.S. Armed Forces. Denying any citizen the right to choose what medicine to shoot into their own body is a gross violation of their constitutionally protected rights. Our military service members sign up to defend those rights, and volunteering to serve should not require them to forfeit control over their own medical decisions! It is critical you and I hold the line on this issue NOW. I urge you to sign the petition to demand your U.S. Senators and Representative support H.B. 3860 and any other bills to ban mandatory COVID vaccinations! ![]() Then once you do, please donate $25, $75, or $150 today to help Campaign for Liberty hold the line and STOP mandatory vaccinations. If the medical tyranny of mandatory COVID vaccinations for our volunteer armed forces wasn’t bad enough, now Joe Biden’s White House is openly planning to deploy vaccination teams directly to our homes to bully the allegedly “unvaccinated.” Patriot, this is a disgusting abuse of power and should never even be considered in these United States of America. Earlier this week, Biden’s press secretary, Jen Psaki, openly spoke about the administration’s door-to-door plans for the new demonized class of experimental vaccine refusers. Psaki insisted these plans will “get remaining Americans vaccinated by ensuring they have the information they need on how both safe and accessible the vaccine is.” After months of non-stop vaccine propaganda, including offers of free beer, donuts, and entry into million-dollar taxpayer funded vaccine lotteries, does the administration really think there is any American who is unaware of vaccine availability? Just exactly what type of propaganda will these canvassers, who likely will have no medical background or training, be promoting to folks? Whether or not to take any vaccination is a personal choice, and even the CDC and WHO admit the experimental COVID vaccination has not been proven safe for all people. Will these vaccination teams be taking into account people who medically are unable to
take a vaccine?
What about women who are pregnant? What about those who have had COVID and have antibodies? What about people who have personal or religious beliefs that preclude them? Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra had this to say about those who believe the federal government has no business meddling in your medical decisions: “The federal government has spent trillions of dollars to
try to keep Americans alive during this pandemic. So it is absolutely the government’s business.”
This is very disturbing. The statists in government realize the people aren’t with them, which is why they’re starting to send teams to our neighborhoods to bully us and try to embarrass us. Biden’s stated goal of 70% of the population vaccinated by July 4, 2021 has been an embarrassing failure. Biden was openly complaining this week about their badly missed goal: “Now we need to go community by community,
neighborhood by neighborhood and oft times door to door, literally knocking on doors to get people vaccinated.”
And at least one source says Biden will use the military to go door to door! Congress needs to put a stop to this vaccine bullying by the Biden administration and the military immediately. Sign the petition to demand your U.S. Senators and Representative support H.B. 3860 and any other bills to ban mandatory COVID vaccinations! Then please consider a generous donation of $25, $75, or $150 today to fight back NOW and STOP mandatory vaccinations. Patriot, I’m worried that if this type of bullying doesn’t stop, we could even see our society break down like we haven’t seen before with the vaccine propagandists blaming those who won’t take the experimental shot for every “case” and every death. The good news is the medical tyranny is failing with the public before our eyes, or they would not be pushing this hard. And even members of the armed forces are threatening to quit over the proposed vaccination requirement, giving Rep. Massie the backing he needs to introduce H.B. 3860, but we are far from out of the woods yet. The far left, the Biden Regime, and Big Pharma are making their biggest moves ever to coerce and even force people who have thus far rejected this rushed vaccination which was distributed to mass vaccination sites all over the country. It’s safe to say the people who actually wanted the shot have taken it by now. Sign the petition! The fight to preserve health freedom may just be the most important battle we face in 2021 with all the time and money the political class has invested into making the COVID Tyranny permanent. You and I cannot afford to let them gain any more ground. Please take action now. For Liberty, ![]() Ron Paul Chairman P.S. It’s becoming clear that making the COVID vaccination mandatory through employers is the goal of the medical tyrants and they’re starting with the U.S. Armed Forces. And at the same time, they’re announcing they’ll be coming to our neighborhoods with vaccination teams to bully those who have opted out. We must push back now. If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. ________________________________________________ The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government,
sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization.