Weekly Round-Up

Quincy news highlights

July 11, 2021 


Taking Stock: U.S. Counterterrorism Interventions in Africa Today
Hosted by Quincy Institute and the Chicago Council on Global Affairs

Thursday, July 15
12:00 pm Eastern


While Washington is winding down counterterror operations in Afghanistan and possibly Iraq, there is growing pressure from some quarters for an increase in U.S. military engagement in Africa. In mid-June, France announced an end to its counterterrorism operation in the Sahel, now in its seventh year. France is hoping the U.S. and countries contributing to a 15,000 strong peacekeeping force will step up to fill the void, but the ambush of four U.S. soldiers in neighboring Niger in 2017 raised serious questions about mission creep and oversight of U.S. troops on the continent. 

Why are the French leaving Mali? What impact did Western-backed security assistance missions have in diminishing terrorism threats and supporting democracy in the region? Why is the U.S. military looking to wind down operations in West Africa but at the same time considering returning troops to Somalia, despite significant democratic backsliding by the U.S.-backed government there? 

Join a discussion to shine a light on this under-covered region and provide recommendations for better oversight and accountability mechanisms to avert counterproductive mission creep and endless U.S. war in Africa. Panelist include UCLA's Alden Young, Cost of War Project Stephanie Savell, journalist Amanda Sperber, and Chicago Council on Global Affairs' Elizabeth Shackelford.


The Chinese Communist Party at 100: Back to the Future?
By Michael Swaine, East Asia Program Director
Responsible Statecraft, 7/8/21

The Chinese Communist party has maintained its legitimacy by providing stability, prestige, and economic growth. Yet its very success has unleashed challenges to its rule.


Unlikely Coalition of Veterans Backs Biden on Ending Afghan War
By Jennifer Steinhauer/ QI cited and quoted
The New York Times, 6/14/21

A politically diverse set of veterans’ groups convened by Quincy Institute critical of the conflicts abroad have found ways to gain access to the White House to lobby for withdrawals.


As With LBJ, the World Might Get in the Way
By Julia Rock/ Interviewed: President Andrew Bacevich
The Daily Poster, 7/8/21

President Andrew Bacevich interviewed on the question of whether Biden’s hawkish foreign policies doom his agenda at home.


How the Growing UAE-Saudi Rivalry Could Pay Off for the United States
By Annelle Sheline, Research Fellow
Responsible Statecraft, 6/30/21

The fierce competition between the UAE and Saudi Arabia for economic power in the region might actually smooth the way for the withdrawal of American military deployments in the Middle East.


America’s Longest War Coming to an End 
Interview with Andrew Bacevich, President
The Mehdi Hasan Show/ Peacock, 7/8/21


Biden's Plan to Withdraw Troops

Interview with Adam Weinstein, Research Fellow
Fox 5, 7/8/21



TELEVISION: U.S. Speeds Afghanistan Withdrawal as Biden Sets August Deadline, Interview with Research Fellow Adam Weinstein, Al Jazeera, 7/9/21

The Anti-War Movement Still Wants Biden to Get Out of Afghanistan, Even if It Gets Messy by Dan Spinelli/Quoted: Research Fellow Adam Weinstein, Mother Jones, 7/9/21

TELEVISION: President Biden's Speech on Afghanistan Troop Withdrawal, Interview with Executive Vice President Trita Parsi, DW News, 7/8/21

Joe Biden Won’t Back Down on Afghanistan Withdrawal by Dan Spinelli/ Quoted: Executive Vice President Trita Parsi & Research Fellow Adam Weinstein, Mother Jones, 7/8/21

RADIO: Iran’s New President and Nuclear Enrichment, Interview with Executive Vice President Trita Parsi, Top of Mind with Julie Rose/Sirius, 7/7/21

TELEVISION: UAE Involvement in Yemen (Arabic), Interview with Research Fellow Annelle Sheline, BBC Arabic, 7/7/21

Would-be Monarch of Iran to Brief Umbrella Org for U.S. Jewish Groups by Investigative Journalist at Large Eli Clifton, Responsible Statecraft, 7/6/21

Biden’s Status Quo Approach to the Yemen War by Elaine Pasquini/ Quoted: Research Fellow Annelle Sheline, Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, 7/6/21

PODCAST: The Fall of the American Empire, Interview with President Andrew Bacevich, History as it Happens/Washington Times, 7/5/21

America, Indicted by Michael Hirsh/ Reviewed: After the Apocalypse by Andrew Bacevich, Foreign Policy, 7/3/21

RADIO: New Book ‘After the Apocalypse’ Explores Transforming America’s Role in the World, Interview with President Andrew Bacevich, Here and Now/WBUR, 7/02/21

Donate to the Quincy Institute and receive a FREE copy of Andrew Bacevich’s new book,
After the Apocalypse.

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