We must end the filibuster...

Dear John,


The Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival, joined by dozens of partners, our 40+ state coordinating committees, and thousands of faith leaders, has announced a Season of Nonviolent Moral Direct Action July 12 - August 8.


We demand:

  1. End the Filibuster
  2. Pass all provisions of the For the People Act
  3. Fully restore the 1965 Voting Rights Act
  4. Raise the federal minimum wage to $15/hr 

Join us at 1pm ET/ 11am PT on Monday, July 12 for a press conference live from Washington, D.C. to announce this season of action directly followed with a massive online call in action.  


Through this season of weekly Moral Monday Nonviolent Moral Direct Actions, we will continue to escalate our public pressure for change. We invite partners and all people who believe in justice and democracy to join us in this critical moment in history to save the soul and the body of this nation:

  • July 12 - Launch from DC & Mass Moral Monday Call-In Day
    • A massive national call-in to every US Senator combined with a live press conference from Washington DC to launch the season of action.
  • July 19 - A Women’s Moral Monday March on Washington
    • On the anniversary of the Women’s Convention at Seneca Falls, nonviolent moral direct action in DC led by women from all over the country.
  • July 26 - Moral Monday Actions in States Across the Nation
    • Targeting all Senators regardless of party, people in at least 45 states will engage in nonviolent moral direct action. 
  • August 2 - Moral Monday in DC: Faith Leaders + Poor & Low-Wage Workers
    • Nonviolent moral direct action focused on the US Senate and led by a mass number of clergy and religious leaders with poor and low-wage workers.

Join Us On Monday at 1pm ET/ 11am PT to Shut Down the Phone Lines of the Senate.


During this season, we'll be also hosting A Season of Prayer and Protest to Save Our Democracy each Monday for a 30-minute prayer service. These will take place 10:00-10:30am each Monday. Please go the Moral Monday landing page for more information.


The coalition supporting this period of moral witness is a growing list that includes: the Poor People’s Campaign’s 42 state coordinating committees, SEIU, the Institute for Policy Studies, the Rainbow PUSH Coalition, the Transformative Justice Network, Forward Justice, Indivisible, the Sunrise Movement, National Welfare Rights Union, Black Voters Matter, the Samuel DeWitt Proctor Conference, Red Letter Christians, several religious denominations and more. More partners are signing on every day.


Forward together, not one step back!

Rev. Dr. William Barber and Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis

Co-Chairs, Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival


PS - Please join our partners as we mark the one-year anniversary of the passing of John Lewis with Good Trouble Vigil for Democracy on July 17th.