Hello Prospect readers,

Today we bring you our Prospect primer on climate change. This coverage not only breaks down the most critical environmental issues of today, but explains these issues from a more complete infrastructural perspective, connecting the future of employment with our climate reality.

Our Climate of Opportunity series examines what the Green New Deal and Paris Agreement look like both domestically and globallyfrom domestic transportation, supply chains, policy, and climate justice, to global and bi-national resource management, country-focused issues, defense, migration, and farming. Deputy Editor Gabrielle Gurley’s "Something in the Water" examines the broader implications of water privatization via the real story of a small Pennsylvania town, while Writing Fellow Brittany Gibson and Contributor Joan Fitzgerald look forward at the infrastructural prospects and environmental impact that offshore wind and solar energy offer, respectively.

We published a special issue on the Green New Deal that connects practical policy and social movements to politics. Here, we lay out how the radical can become real and demonstrate that drastic change is not only urgent, but possible.

We’ll be sharing our last primer with you in a few days, and we just ask if you can take a moment to consider pledging your support and signing up to become a member today. You can help keep our reporting open and accessible to all readers!


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