Did you see this?


Friend, did you see Mike’s email yesterday?

Thanks to the generosity of some of our amazing supporters, we raised 118 donations! But that means we ended up just 82 gifts short of our goal.

We’ve got less than two weeks to collect thousands of more signatures in support of decriminalizing weed in Austin, and lots of progressive work to be done across Texas. So it’s critical we keep our grassroots fundraising on track right now. If you’re able to, could you pitch in $5 or more to help us raise 82 more donations and close the gap?


Thank you, friend! Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

–Julie Oliver

----Forwarded message----

Hey there team, it's Mike!

We’ve just passed our one-month anniversary of the launch of Ground Game Texas. And for the past month, we’ve been knocking on doors, fielding phone calls, and building up our bold coalition of activists to bring much-needed change to Texas and beyond.

As our hard work continues, we’re not only fighting to bring resources and tools to strengthen Texas’s voter base, we’re fighting to finally break through decades-long voter suppression laws to provide a voice to thousands of Texas residents. Over the course of the month, we’ve made strides for this goal, reaching out to over 10,000 Austin residents about public safety, criminal justice reform, and more.

But if we’re going to sustain our hard work and continue amplifying dynamic, important issues on city ballots across Texas, we need to make sure our fundraising can keep pace with our momentum. That’s why I’m asking: Can you make a contribution of any amount to Ground Game Texas today to help us raise 200 grassroots donations on our one-month anniversary? Any donation — of any amount — will help us reach our goal.

Chip in today  

The truth is, Texas policies and legislation are being led by out-of-touch, multi-millionaire state politicians. And the result? Our needs are not being met, our infrastructure is crumbling, and our leadership continues to choose profits over the needs of the people.

The Texas GOP is disregarding important issues that our communities not only care about, but desperately need addressed. As long as we continue to have out-of-touch leaders representing us, the responsibility will be on us to continue advocating and fighting for policy that truly helps all of us, and not just a privileged few.

The goal of Ground Game Texas is not to play games or bargain with the political establishment. We’re here to help build up a powerful coalition of organizers, activists, and change-makers to advance real, systemic change in Texas, so we need to make sure we seize every opportunity to bring our vision for progress to light.

Team, we’re only a month into our hard work and we’ve got so much more to do. Changing Texas is no small task, but I know with your continued support and energy to mobilize, we can keep growing our movement and see progress. Please chip in $5 or any amount to raise 200 grassroots donations to support Ground Game Texas and our collective fight for bold progress for Texas.


Mike Siegel