Weekly Top News Stories

UPDATE: US Women's Team Denies Claims They Protested Anthem
Update (7/7/21 @ 4:03PM EST): The US Women's National Team released a statement claiming they turned during the anthem to face the flag, not protest the anthem or the veteran playing the harmonica. Watch the video and make your own judgment.
Click HERE for the full story.

Photos of 15-year old 6'7" Barron Trump with First Lady Melania Go VIRAL Online
Barron Trump was seen towering over his mother, Melania, 51, on Wednesday as the mother and son duo left Trump Tower.
Click HERE for the full story.

Judge Orders Release of Documents Connecting Clinton Foundation to Ghislaine Maxwell
Ghislaine Maxwell is accused of aiding Jeffery Epstein in a number of crimes relating to the trafficking of women.
Click HERE for the full story.

James Wood Rips into Jen Psaki for Biden Admin's "Door-to-Door" Vaccine Outreach
The Federal government could be stopping by your home to see if you've received a COVID vaccine.
Click HERE for the full story.

Hobby Lobby Under Attack Over Newspaper Ad Titled, "One Nation Under God"
Hardcore Leftists are fretting about an ad from Christian Company Hobby Lobby that prompted religion and said we are "One Nation under God," a line found in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Click HERE for the full story.
Squad Member Cori Bush: July 4 "Is for White People," "Black People Still Aren't Free," America is "Stolen Land"
According to far-left Congresswoman Cori Buch (D-MO), the 4th of July is about freedom for white people only and Blacks are still not free today.
Click HERE for the full story.

Former Never Trump Ohio Senate Candidate JD Vance Claims He Regrets Vile Anti-Trump Tweets
Conservatives have been calling out the recently announced JD Vance for his long history of negative, anti-Trump tweets and statements, and now it appears the "conservative" claims to regret the comments since his seeking office as a US senator.
Click HERE for the full story.

BREAKING: President Trump to Sue Big Tech
Former President Donal J. Trump announced Wednesday morning that we will file a lawsuit against Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg, Twitter's Jack Dorsey, and Google's Sundar Pichai.
Click HERE for the full story.