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Your Prospect Weekend Reads
Week of 7/5/2021

Stories from the week you dont want to miss!

Rick Bowmer/ AP Photo
Sara Adelman holds her daughter Amelia in Salt Lake City. Adelman is burning through her vacation time while also working from home since her daughter's day care closed due to the pandemic.

The Government Provided Child Care in World War II. We Need It Again: Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro argues her case for permanent national child care. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, she feels it is unconscionable that women, mothers, and families have to make a choice between going to work and ensuring that their kids are properly cared for.

Meet the Consulting Firm That's Staffing the Biden Administration: Managing Editor Jonathan Guyer and The Intercept's Ryan Grim deliver a who's who of WestExec consultants in high-profile positions across the Biden administration.

Juul: Taking Academic Corruption to a New Level: Executive Editor David Dayen reports that the e-cigarette company bought an entire issue of a scholarly journal, with all the articles written by authors on its payroll, to "prove" its product has a public benefit.

The Council Implementing New York's Climate Law Is Stacked With Industry Executives: Writing Fellow Lee Harris reports that a top energy executive, whose firm is designing pro-gas talking points, has a seat at the table charting the state's path to decarbonization.

Biden's Back on the Day One Agenda: Staff Writer Alexander Sammon explains how executive actions on right to repair and noncompete agreements show the power of implementing existing laws that can help people.

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