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July 10, 2021

Mises Institute

By George C. Leef

My Case against Minimum-Wage Laws

We often hear these minimum wage laws are well intentioned. I cannot agree. Minimum-wage laws are evil in their methods (coercion) and evil in their goals (to make people believe they’re dependent on government).


By Ralph Raico

Woodrow Wilson's "Second Personality"

The term most frequently applied to Woodrow Wilson nowadays is "idealist." The expression "power-hungry" is rarely used. Yet one scholar friendly to Wilson has correctly described him as one who "loved, craved, and in a sense glorified power."


By David Gordon

McCloskey on Philosophy

There's a problem in a discipline when scholars don't realize that a view is controversial and needs to be supported by argument. Deirdre McCloskey is one such scholar.



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This Is a Weak Jobs Recovery by Daniel Lacalle

The Electoral College as a Restraint on American Democracy: Its Evolution from Washington to Jackson by Randall G. Holcombe

The Phillips Curve Myth by Frank Shostak

Can the Dollar Survive Both Cryptocurrencies and China? by Alexander Herborn and Gunther Schnabl

Classical Natural Law and Libertarian Theory by Carlo Lottieri

Keynes Said Inflation Fixed the Problems of Sticky Wages. He Was Wrong. by Robert Blumen

Money Supply Growth Dropped in May to a 15-Month Low by Ryan McMaken

How a Marxist of Twenty-Five Years Became a Misesian Libertarian by Michael Rectenwald

Why Africa's Geography Is a Barrier to Growth by Lipton Matthews

Biden's Economic Team Predicts Long-Term Slow Growth by Mark Hendrickson
Interview with Tho Bishop: Economic Populism and the Role of the Mises Institute by Tho Bishop and William Yarwood

There's a New "Study" Showing 26% of Americans Are Right-Wing Authoritarians. There's Nothing Scientific about It. by Chris Calton


Thanks to Federal Megaspending, the Trade Deficit Has Only Gotten Worse

Why Producer Prices (Like Lumber Prices) Are Rising Faster Than the CPI

3 Common Criticisms of Crypto—and Why They're Wrong

The Real Trickle-Down Effect: Making "Luxuries" Affordable to Regular People

Why America's Oligarchs Are Moving Left

With Home Prices Soaring, Shoppers Fear Buying at the Top of a Bubble


The Economics for Business Podcast: Steven Phelan on Innovation In Contracting
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