From Data for Progress <[email protected]>
Subject DFP Newsletter: What’s Joe Manchin’s Attachment Style?
Date July 9, 2021 9:59 PM
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Welcome back to the Data for Progress newsletter, your weekly update on our research, blog posts, and memos.


The White House highlighted DFP polling ([link removed]) this week to make the case for the BIF (bipartisan infrastructure framework). On Thursday, the White House Press Office sent out a release highlighting our recent poll ([link removed]) with Crooked Media that showed broad, bipartisan support for the Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework. The poll found that 80% of voters support investments in our power infrastructure to repair our existing energy grid, 78% support expanding internet access to rural communities, and 70% support both public transit expansions and investments in clean-energy technologies.

A majority of Independents and Republicans support the proposed investments, with notable support for repairs to existing infrastructure and broadband access (Republicans at 71% support for both and Independents at 83% and 85%, respectively). More than half of Republicans also support investments in clean energy technologies and investments in expanding public transit, and Independents support both proposals at 70% and 76%, respectively. This polling shows voters strongly support the components of the BIF.

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Here are some other highlights from DFP over the past week:

Voters want the government to put its money where its mouth is on “Buy American”

You’ve heard Joe Biden tout the importance of uplifting American businesses by buying American-made goods — on the campaign trail, in his January 25th executive order directing federal agencies to procure American-made goods, while stumping for his infrastructure bills, etc. But unfortunately, federal agencies haven’t been holding up their end of the bargain — they’re using loopholes to bypass Biden’s stipulation to procure American goods. Our new polling this week finds that voters have had enough, and are ready for the federal government to close these loopholes: by a 34-point margin, Americans expressed that the government should be doing more to support domestic businesses. Read DFP Senior Analyst Brian Burton’s blog on the subject here ([link removed]) .

UBI for u and I (and the rest of the American people)

Unless you live under a rock, you probably heard a lot about Universal Basic Income in the 2020 presidential primaries (or the NYC primaries… #yikes). Its close cousin, guaranteed income (long term, no-strings-attached direct payments) isn’t just the stuff of internecine Democratic squabbling — it’s been implemented successfully at the local level in two-year pilot programs, and several American cities are looking to do the same as a way to jumpstart their post-coronavirus economies. Our new memo this week shows that voters support a guaranteed income by a 16-point margin, and believe it would help them withstand financial emergencies by a 54-point margin. Read the memo here ([link removed]) !

There’s a whole lotta jobs in this mf ([link removed]) (Clean Jumpstart Plan)

Last May, we released the Clean Jumpstart Plan — a comprehensive platform to rebuild our infrastructure and invest in clean energy. Now, we’re showing that the proposal is exactly what we need to help millions of American find jobs. In a new economic impact analysis ([link removed]) with Evergreen Action, we measured the job growth that the Clean Jumpstart Plan would spark in each sector of our economy, and found that the proposal would create 2.7 million new jobs annually over the next five years. Read the full sector-by-sector breakdown here ([link removed]) .

Biden’s New Antitrust Executive Orders Are Highly Popular

While Biden’s infrastructure agenda is still being negotiated, the president used his unilateral authority this morning to make a major advancement on his antitrust agenda. Biden’s new executive order will crack down on corporate power, empower workers, and make our economy more competitive. And as DFP executive director Sean McElwee explains in a new post on the DFP blog ([link removed]) , these orders are highly popular with the American people. Read Sean’s blog here ([link removed]) !

From Data for Progress
Blog: New Hampshire Voters Strongly Support The Key Provisions Of The American Jobs Plan ([link removed])
Blog: Voters Demand Fairness In ‘Buy American’ Enforcement ([link removed])
Blog:Biden’s New Executive Orders Will Promote The Competitive Economy Americans Want ([link removed])
Memo: Job Creation For A Clean Jumpstart ([link removed])
Memo: Majority Of Voters Support A Guaranteed Income ([link removed])

DFP In The News
The New York Times:Congress Can’t End Police Violence, but There’s a Lot It Can Do ([link removed])
The Washington Post:Why Biden and Democrats can take credit for an improving economy ([link removed])
Time:Most Americans Support Guaranteed Income. Here's How We Are Working as Mayors to Make It a Reality ([link removed])
Bloomberg:What a National Guaranteed Income Could Look Like ([link removed])
Politico:The Adams effect: Will a former cop's winning message in NYC resonate for Democrats nationwide? ([link removed])
Crooked Media:Voters Across Parties Support The Infrastructure Bill ([link removed])
The Intercept:Wall Street’s Candidate Loses Manhattan District Attorney Primary ([link removed])

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Question of the Week
Help us settle a CRITICAL internal DFP debate. What’s Joe Manchin’s attachment style?
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