A Sea Change in
Today, President Biden signed an
order that aims to
promote competition in the US economy and increase antitrust
Few expected policies like this, or
the historic care and climate proposals in the American Jobs Plan and
American Families Plan, from President Joe Biden.
In a New York Magazine feature, Rebecca Traister
describes the progressive scholars, thought leaders,
and organizers, who helped make this moment possible—including
Roosevelters, alumni, and allies.
It’s a “once-in-a-lifetime paradigm shift in
economic thinking,” as Roosevelt President and CEO Felicia Wong told
Wong expands on Traister’s piece
for the Roosevelt blog with a deep
dive into some of the ideas fueling the
“What we want is better rules,”
Wong writes. “Rules that acknowledge there’s no such thing as a ‘free’
market because government structures our most basic economic
“To create a new, more democratic
economy, we must continue building new and stronger alliances and
institutions.... The people and the relationships matter, and they’ve
brought us to an unprecedented moment of opportunity.”
“Once in a Lifetime: Why a Sea Change in Economics Is Happening
Solving Standing’s
Pro-Corporate Bias
“The regulatory state exists to
improve the lives of consumers, workers, and families. Yet thanks to
constitutional standing doctrine’s lopsidedness, these are the very
people who struggle the most to get into court to prevent unlawful
deregulation,” Will Dobbs-Allsopp and Rachael Klarman write in a new
issue brief.
more about how
regulators, advocates, and legislators can mitigate the bias toward
corporate entities in legal standing doctrine.