It’s just the beginning.
Carper for Senate

NPR: “The Supreme Court Deals A New Blow To Voting Rights”

Our democracy has suffered tremendously the past few weeks.

Last week, John, the Supreme Court decided a case that will further weaken the Voting Rights Act and make way for even more voter suppression bills at the state level. And recently, my Senate colleagues on the other side of the aisle blocked a bill that would make critical reforms to our democracy and protect voting rights against the flagrant attacks against them.

I’m disappointed but I wanted to be very clear: I am not deterred -- and you shouldn’t be either.

We need to be unified in our fight to protect our democracy. Will you add your name to mine and call for an end to the attacks on voting rights?

After what we saw on January 6th at the U.S. Capitol, it’s apparent that real threats to our democracy remain. 

Since Donald Trump and his supporters perpetuated their Big Lie about the 2020 election and extremists stormed the Capitol, state legislatures around the country have introduced hundreds of bills that would make it harder to vote, and 17 states have enacted 28 such laws.

We have an obligation to protect voting rights -- the bedrock of our democracy -- because if voters can’t confidently cast their ballots, it undermines the integrity of our elections and the democracy we are so proud of as Americans.

This isn’t the end of our fight for voting rights. In fact, it’s more important than ever. That’s why I need you in this with me -- please add your name today and join our call for an end to the nationwide attempts to roll back voting rights.

Keep fighting the good fight,



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