July 9, 2021
To the Good People of New York’s 9th Congressional District,
I hope this edition of the Yvette Gazette finds you well. Always remember, I cannot do it alone. Through the support of passionate individuals such as yourself, we bring tangible, meaningful change to our district.
To reach out to my office, send us an email at clarke.house.gov/contact/email/. If you’d like to call, you can reach my D.C. office at 202-225-6231 or my Brooklyn office at 718-287-1142. Remember to encourage your neighbors to sign up for this newsletter at clarke.house.gov/contact/newsletter/.
If you’d like daily updates on my work in Congress, visit my website, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages. I wish you well, and I look forward to my next opportunity to get in touch with you.
Yvette D. Clarke
Member of Congress

New York's Emergency Rental Assistance Program
New York State's Emergency Rental Assistance Program is now open to applicants.
For low and moderate-income households facing instability with their housing, this program will provide invaluable aid in the form of rental arrears, temporary rental assistance and utility arrears assistance. For more information, and to apply, click here.
Urgent Passport Struggles
In recent weeks, I have heard ever-increasing pleas from my constituents on their inability to renew or receive their passports. For countless Americans, a passport is more than a means for traveling; it is an essential possession necessary for their lives. The State Department has noted routine services can take up to 18 weeks from the day you submit your application to when you receive your passport and offers expedited services for a fee. Fortunately, my office has been able to assist several of our constituents who have come forward with their own passport related issues. If you are struggling with issues or concerns related to your passport, please do not hesitate to reach out to my office.
Emergency Broadband Benefit Issues
It has come to my attention that many of you are having difficulty applying the EBB credit to your current plans. While I am working to address it, I want you to be informed that as of right now this credit is temporary and will be utilized for as long as there remains funding. It is important that you understand that by changing your plan for the purposes of receiving this credit, you are at risk of being stuck with the new plan and you may not be able to receive the older plan you were on previously. It is important that you fully discuss your options with your Internet service provider before you make any changes. Additionally, as it currently stands, the legislation allows providers to apply the credit to any plan they had at the time of its passage. It is important to me that you know I am working diligently with my colleagues in congress to make this credit permanent and applicable to all plans going forward. My office is currently exploring all options to make this credit more inclusive and applicable to all plans. Please make sure to follow the newest editions of my newsletter and my social media pages for the latest on this issue.
SBA Hosts National Small Business Innovation Research Week
The Small Business Association will host its National SBIR Week from July 19 through July 23. This virtual event is designed to connect small business owners and entrepreneurs to SBIR programs, which provide more than $4 billion in funding to small business every year. To learn more about 2021 National SBIR Week and how to register, click here.
Getting Vaccinated
To overcome the COVID-19 virus once and for all, it will take as many of us as possible to do our part and get vaccinated. If you haven’t received your COVID-19 vaccine but are interested in doing so, and New Yorkers ages 12 years and older can receive their vaccine at select sites across our city found here. If you’d like to make an appointment to get vaccinated, please click here to find a location that best suits you. For New Yorkers who are ages 75 and older, an in-home vaccination appointment can be made here, or by calling 1-877-VAX-4-NYC. We are so close to the finish line; let’s cross it together!

Sponsored Legislation: This week, I introduced the following bill to the House of Representatives:
- H.R. 4360:
My bill, the No Biometric Barriers to Housing Act of 2021, would prohibit the use of biometric recognition technology, such as facial recognition software, in public housing units funded by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Biometric recognition software, in its current state, is flawed and inaccurate and residents of public housing units should not be used as test subjects for this emerging technology. Furthermore, several studies have shown that facial recognition technology is significantly less accurate when used on people of color which risks misidentifying and criminalizing members of historically marginalized communities. H.R. 4357 would also require HUD to provide a comprehensive report on the current and previous use of facial recognition technology in public housing units and its effect on the civil rights of vulnerable communities. In my district, tenants of the Atlantic Towers Plaza, a rent-stabilized community in Brownsville, successfully stopped their landlord from installing facial recognition technology throughout the complex. I am proud to continue this fight in Washington and ensure that this technology is not implemented in its current state and without the necessary privacy safeguards. Read my full statement on the No Biometric Barriers to Housing Act of 2021 further down in this newsletter.
House Haiti Co-chairs Issue Statement Regarding The Death Of Haitian President Moïse
The assassination of Haitian President Moïse was a horrific act and stands as a clarion call for swift and decisive action to bring political stability and peace to a nation in crisis. We are extending our condolences to his family and loved ones. We are also praying for First Lady Martine Moïse. We also call for full transparency and an independent investigation into this criminal act. We remain committed, more than ever, to working diligently alongside the Biden Administration in support of ushering in an equitable, inclusive Haitian-led democracy. One that reestablishes rule of law, reinforces institutions of Haitian-led governance, and centers the safety and human rights of every Haitian citizen.
Clarke, Pressley, and Tlaib Issue Statement Announcing The Reintroduction Of Their Bill, The No Biometric Barriers to Housing Act of 2021:
Someone living in public housing should not be the guinea pig for the emerging technology of biometric facial screening just to enter their own home, which is why I’ve drafted the ‘No Biometric Barriers to Housing Act.’ This technology in its current state has proven to be flawed–we know the accuracy of facial recognition technology significantly decreases when screening people of color and women. We also need safeguards for how collected biometric data is shared and stored. Only once we address these bias and privacy concerns can we have the conversation about public housing’s usage of biometric technology.
Clarke Issues Statement Regarding The Supreme Court Rulings In The Cases Of Brnovich V. Democratic National Committee And Americans For Prosperity V. Bont
Let me be very clear: The right to vote is to have a voice in the political process of every aspect of the foundation of our Democracy. It is our most solemn civic duty and one that must be protected at all costs. Yet, sadly, the Supreme Court handed down two rulings that truly undermine our democratic foundations and threaten the future security of our nation. The Brnovich decision: The heavily conservative Supreme Court has continued its unprecedented assault on voting rights, compounding the damage of the disastrous Shelby v. Holder ruling. The Voting Rights Act of 1965 has done more to advance the Nation’s highest ideals than arguably any other legislative undertaking. And few laws are more vital in the current moment. Yet, in the last decade, this Court has treated no statute worse. This decision greenlights the brutal, escalating voter suppression campaign waged by partisan lawmakers in Arizona and possibly across the nation. And it is particularly disastrous for the communities of color targeted by racist suppression tactics, whose voices now have the potential to be silenced. The decision in Americans for Prosperity further harms our democracy by allowing the suffocation of the airwaves caused by big dark special interest money. This torrent of dark money silences voters’ voices and prevents the passage of commonsense, bipartisan and popular legislation – from gun violence prevention to climate action to LGBTQ equality. It is fundamentally anti-democratic, and it cannot go unanswered. We must focus our efforts on legislation that will protect our right to vote, like the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, and legislation that will protect our lives like the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act. The time for action is now, and we can no longer stand aside as our democratic principles are eroded by partisan actors disguised as patriots.
Brooklyn has a new affordable housing development located at 800 Flatbush Avenue. This development features 254 newly constructed apartments available by lottery to those with an income between $21,635 and $244,200. To learn more about this development and how to apply, click here. The lottery for this development ends on August 25, 2021.

Child care workers are indispensable to the growth and development of our Nation’s children, yet millions of these workers, who are primarily people of color and women, go undervalued and unappreciated. It is far past time they are given what they deserve.