Yo-yo environmental regulations aren’t good for anyone

The Biden administration recently announced plans to cancel various regulatory reforms the Department of Interior had implemented under President Trump to modernize the Endangered Species Act.

Upon reading the news, the phrase, “Here we go again” comes to mind.

While dramatic shifts in environmental regulation and enforcement philosophy that accompany changing administrations is bad enough from a policy perspective, Damien Schiff tells us why the unwelcome shift is bad news for both animal species AND property owners.

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The Washington Post: The purge of Asian-American students at Thomas Jefferson High School has begun

On June 5, Principal Ann Bonitatibus of Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (TJ) stood before the 2021 graduating class and pronounced that the students were about to graduate from “the No. 1 school in America.”

That’s when a voice cried out from the bleachers: “Keep it that way!” Those words were spoken by a TJ father who immigrated to the United States from China after surviving the Cultural Revolution.

Asra Q. Nomani and Erin Wilcox explain that the impassioned outburst stems from efforts to systematically reduce Asian-American admissions to the school—and that purge is succeeding.

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The Hill: Supreme Court: Schools must teach the value of speech

Recent surveys indicate free speech is losing favor among college students, particularly when it comes to speech that offends or is controversial or leaves some listeners feeling pained or troubled.

Many of these young adults developed such discomfort with the traditional American value of free speech through careful teaching by K-12 instructors and administrators.

That’s why, writes Deborah La Fetra, we should cheer the Supreme Court’s recent decision offering a ringing endorsement of free speech.

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